"Listen, McGregor," the chairman began ominously. “听着,迈格莱格,”董事长开始说,语气中有不吉利的意思。
Harry saw the Death Eaters swerve out of sight to avoid the deadly trail of flame, and at the same time felt the sidecar sway ominously: Its metal connections to the bike had splintered with the force of acceleration. 哈利看见食死徒为了躲避致命的火焰,闪身不见了,同时他感到挎斗不祥地摇晃起来:在加速的冲力下,挎斗和摩托车的金属连接断裂了。
Still, the company spoke ominously of weak consumer sentiment in Europe affecting sales and profit for the third quarter, which includes September. 尽管如此,麦当劳表示,欧洲区的前景依然不容乐观,疲弱的消费者信心将会影响包括9月在内的第三季度的销售额和利润。
Although fears have grown, the data do not point ominously downward. 尽管担忧加剧,但数据并没有恶性下滑。
But no, out came an ominously large wad of paper and two pens. 但是不,结果是一大叠不祥的纸和两支笔。
The wheels scooped up stones which hammered ominously under the car. 全地域四轮车消声器消声性能仿真与改进车轮搅起的石块,在车身下发出不吉祥的锤击声。
More ominously, it added that "even if you are successful in bringing an action of this kind, the laws of the Cayman Islands or China may render you unable to enforce a judgment against our assets or the assets of our directors and officers". 更不妙的是,该公司补充称,“即便证交会诉讼获胜,开曼群岛或中国的法律也可能让证交会无法执行针对公司资产或董事和高管资产的不利判决”。
Even more ominously, Americans cut back on a wide variety of discretionary purchases, conserving their cash for necessary spending. 更不好的预兆,美国人开始减少各种各样的采购,为了必需的花费保存他们的现金。
Ten-odd points behind Labour in some polls, the Tories look ominously vulnerable to Gordon Brown's master-plan& which is to push them from picturesque quiescence towards total destruction. 一些民意测验表明保守党落后于工党十个百分点,面对工党领导人戈登布朗的总体规划保守党人显得不堪一击,该规划旨在把他们从如画的沉寂推向彻底毁灭。
More ominously, the exhausted Greeks may soon vote themselves out of the euro zone. 更为不妙的是,筋疲力尽的希腊人很可能选择退出欧元区。
Ultimately it may compromise the quality of medical care and ominously even result in premature death! 最终会降低医疗服务的质量,甚至可能导致患者因丧失抢救时机而早死。
The flowers simultaneously seem to be dead and loom ominously over a diminutive, standing self-portrait. 垂死的花朵隐隐在一幅站着的小型自画像上方出现。
A neighbour remarks ominously that "interesting things will happen" as her quest unfolds. 一位邻居不吉利地说,随着探险的展开,“将会发生一些有趣的事”。
Ominously, Mr Putin has made Ukraine-bashing one of his trademarks and Medvedev needs to keep up. 不妙的是,普京已把非难乌克兰作为自己的标志之一,而梅德韦杰夫则需努力跟上。
The sun darkened ominously. 太阳变黑了,很不吉利。
All the while, lurking ominously in the background, were worries about Chinese economic growth stalling. 在发生这一切的同时,隐藏在背景中的不祥迹象是,人们担心中国经济增长失速。
Ominously, Goldman Sachs economists said, the fall was driven by decreases in the components measuring sales and new orders. 不妙的是,高盛经济学家表示,指数下降主要是由于衡量销售和新订单的组成部分出现下滑。
The group has been ominously dubbed the "Group of Death" as it has three high quality sides. G组不吉利地被称之为“死亡之组”,因为该组共有三支强队。
More ominously, senior leaders have privately expressed anxiety about Blackstone's share price, even though with a four-year lock-up period any losses are only on paper at this stage. 更不妙的是,即便中国购买的黑石股份有4年禁售期,当前任何损失都只是账面损失,但中国高层领导人已私下对黑石股价表示担忧。
Ominously, the Institute is just down the street from where I do my worrying. 因为我现在的担忧之处很不幸地就在该研究院不远处的街上。
Ominously, this was even before September's financial implosion, which sparked the global recession that has driven a further 100m people deeper into poverty. 不祥的是,这甚至发生在去年9月份金融崩溃之前,而这场崩溃触发了全球衰退,又将1亿人进一步推入了贫困的深渊。
On the evening news the default clock ticked down ominously. 在晚间的新闻节目里,违约的时钟发出滴滴答答的不祥之声。
Mr mayrhuber said ominously that where other airlines were in trouble, Lufthansa would be looking to move in and "harvest" their markets. 迈尔胡贝尔“不怀好意”地表示,如果其它航空公司陷入困境,汉莎将考虑进入并“收获”它们的市场。
More ominously, the black clouds of debt seem to thicken inexorably. 更糟糕的是,债务乌云似乎无情地越发浓厚。
Steam rises ominously as flowing lava hits the sea off the Italian island of Stromboli. 义大利斯特龙博利岛的火山冒出不祥的烟雾,火山冒出的熔岩流到斯特龙博利岛附近海域。
The mention of commodities alerts us to what is different about the present panic, perhaps ominously so. 对大宗商品的提及,就当前恐慌的不同之处向我们发出了警告,也许这是不祥之兆。
There are no Tokyo dwellers lurking ominously in their gangs. 没有东京人在他们中间花言巧语胡出主意。
My advice to anyone who owns one of these vehicles is to stop driving it, he said, adding ominously: We are not finished with Toyota yet. 我建议所有拥有召回车型的人不要再驾车上路,他表示,并恶狠狠地补充道:我们和丰田还没完。
And perhaps ominously I am told that for the first time, European pension funds and life companies are starting to buy them. 并且我首次得知,欧洲的养老基金和寿险公司开始购买这些贷款,这或许是不祥之兆。