Ommastrephes bartramii is an important economic cephalopod and also one of main fishing targets for Chinese squid jigging fleets. 柔鱼是重要的大洋性经济头足类,是我国远洋鱿钓渔船的主要捕捞对象。
Analysis on catch of Ommastrephes batrami in squid jigging fishery and the relationship between fishing ground and SST in the North Pacific Ocean in2004. 2004年北太平洋柔鱼钓产量分析及作业渔场与表温的关系。
Studies on characteristic changes of squid ( ommastrephes bartrami) heated in boiling water 柔鱼(OMMASTREPHESBARTRAMI)热加工特性变化的研究
Squid ( Ommastrephes bartrami) from Northern Pacific, its muscle of body changes in shrink, weight, moisture and total nitrogen were studied when it was heated in boiling water. 本文以北太平洋的柔鱼为原料研究柔鱼胴体肌肉在沸水蒸煮过程中的热收缩、重量、水分及总氮的变化。