These leaders can become intoxicated with a sense of their own omnipotence. 这些领袖可能会自感无所不能而得意忘形。
What can puny human strength take by force out of the hand of Omnipotence? 微弱的人们能用武力从全能者的手中夺取祝福么?
It seems to bind me with mighty cables that nothing but Omnipotence could break. 似乎是有一种结实的锁链将我牢牢系住,只有全能的主才能摧毁它。
She knows Omnipotence has heard her prayer 她知道全能的神已听见祈祷
Nothing short of omnipotence could satisfy it completely. 除非是无限权力,否则什么也不能使它完全满足。
The greater the risk, the greater the proof of her omnipotence. 冒的险越大,越能证明她的能力。
Marxist theory of productivity is not one of one-sided determinism, nor of omnipotence of productivity. 马克思主义生产力理论不是片面的决定论,也不是生产力万能论。
She bends herself to the design and manufacture of industry microscope and many kinds omnipotence stand. 公司致力于工业显微镜以及各类配套支架的科研开发与制造。
The theological system of John Calvin and his followers emphasizing omnipotence of God and salvation by grace alone. 加尔文和他的信徒的神学体系,强调神的万能和只有优雅才可得救。
Instead, they turn to the law for this despotism, this absolutism, this omnipotence. 相反,他们会求助于法律来实现这种专制制度、种绝对主义、种无限权威。
I was a devil fish, omniscience and omnipotence. 我是一条魔鬼鱼儿,无所不知,无所不能。
Dear Christians, do you not see of what deep importance it is that you take time to worship Jesus in His Divine Omnipotence as one with the Father? 亲爱的基督徒们,你们不觉得拨时间在上帝面前敬拜祂,赞美祂的大能是很重要的事?
The paper points out the locality of the circuitry malfunction of X62W omnipotence milling machine, and analyses the causes of the malfunction with a consequent improvement on it. 本文指出了X62W型万能铣床故障所在,并对故障原因进行了分析及对电路提出了改进方案。
All this is to be explained by a hidden sense the nations have of the omnipotence of God. 这一切都要用一个事实来说明:各民族对于神的万能都有一种藏在内心里的感觉。
The people are returned to passiveness, inertness, and unconsciousness; the legislator enters into omnipotence. 人民返回被动、迟钝和无意识,立法者则变得无所不能。
The philosophy of Christianity was to protect its belief and emphasize the impotence of reason and the omnipotence of God. 基督教的哲学是对其信仰的维护,总是突出理性的无力与上帝的全能。
Liang argued that China should not blindly follow western doctrines, steadfastly opposed the idea of "the omnipotence of science," and vigorously introduced the west's perspective of critical reflection on modernity into china. 他主张对西方学说也不应盲从,坚持反对“科学万能”论,将西方反省现代性的视角有力地引入了中国;
Some people ridicule us as advocates of the "omnipotence of war". Yes, we are advocates of the omnipotence of revolutionary war; that is good, not bad, it is Marxist. 有人笑我们是“战争万能论”,对,我们是革命战争万能论者,这不是坏的,是好的,是马克思主义的。
No sooner was the old regime destroyed than society was subjected to still other artificial arrangements, always starting from the same point: the omnipotence of the law. 旧政权刚刚垮台,社会就遭受其它人为安排,始终开始于同一点:万能的法律。
Central bankers have never had any illusions of their own omnipotence. 中行的银行家们已经不再对于他们自己的无所不能存有幻想了。
A Discussion on AutoSum of Omnipotence Numeric Fields in Database or Datasheet 数据库表的万能数字字段自动求和
The religious doctrines of John Calvin, emphasizing the omnipotence of God and the salvation of the elect by God's grace alone. 约翰·卡尔文的宗教教义,强调上帝是万能的,以及仁慈上帝对人的救赎作用。
And another philosopher, Descartes, in thinking about God's omnipotence, thought that it wouldn't be good enough if God as omnipotent couldn't change the facts of mathematics. 另一个哲学家,笛卡尔在思考上帝万能的时候觉得,如果万能的上帝无法改变数学,那么便不能称为万能。
History is the best antidote to delusions of omnipotence and omniscience. 历史是对于全能全知幻觉最好的解毒药。
First we illuminate the basal principles about index's choose in evaluation and point out that all of the methods now have some questions about representation and omnipotence. 文章首先概述了指标选择方法的现状,并指出现有方法在全面性和代表性上的问题。
Based on the theory of volitionism, the doctrine advocated personality liberation and moral omnipotence. 这种思想建立在具有唯意志论色彩的“心力论”基础上,具有提倡“个性解放”的因素,同时具有鲜明的道德决定论色彩。
His individuality omnipotence harmonious idea deeply influenced the history of world education. 他的个性全面和谐教育观对世界教育史产生了深远的影响。
Being an important idea in western, theory of education omnipotence which impresses era's philosophers and educationists provides a stable foundation for studying the relationship among education, environment and individual during its deeply research and development. “教育万能论”作为西方一个重要的思想,在不断深入探讨和发展过程中,深深地影响了几代哲学家和教育家,也为马克思研究教育、环境和人的关系提供了坚实的理论基础。
But it was not omnipotence. The determinant factor for the success of theme park was the market response. 但它绝不是万能的,最终决定主题公园成功与否的还将是市场的反应。
In practice, we should get rid of the belief of omnipotence of market. 在实践中要破除市场万能论。