The French man had been working for French engineering company SPIE under contract to OMV. 该名工人一直在同OMV签有合同的SPIE公司工作。
In the other incident, officials say a security guard shot and killed the Frenchman inside a compound of Austrian oil and gas company OMV near Sana'a. 在另一起事件中,官员说,一名保安在位于萨那附近的奥地利石油天然气公司OMV的大院里开枪打死了一名法国人。
Not only that, as CNG vehicles are eligible for the Green Vehicle Rebate that entitles buyers of vehicles pre-installed with CNG up to40% off their OMV. 不仅如此,作为CNG油罐车都有资格参加这项绿色汽车,享受退税的买主和CNG汽车预装40%离开他们的OMV。
The On Machine Verification ( OMV) system can enhance the availability factor of the high-grade NC equipment in effect and reduce the cost of production. 在机检测系统的使用能够有效的提高高档数控装备的使用效率,降低生产成本。
A determination of sampling strategy trajectory planning of measurement according to the geometric features and their parameters of work pieces is one of the important steps in OMV system. 根据工件的几何特征及其参数确定采样策略,并进行采样点的选择和布局是在机检测系统中重要的环节之一。
Currently, in home and abroad, there is little research on using open CNC system to achieve OMV. 数控系统的开放程度是数控机床实现在机检测功能难易的关键,当前国内外利用开放式数控系统实现在机检测的研究还很少。
The proposed optimal rendezvous strategies both for long-distance elliptical rendezvous trajectory and near-distance elliptical rendezvous trajectory and terminal guidance laws will provide technique support for the space rendezvous scheme design and orbit control of OMV. 论文提出的椭圆远程、近程最优交会策略和末制导导引律可为轨道机动飞行器空间交会方案设计与轨道控制提供技术支撑。
Therefore on machine verification ( OMV) technique which is based on CNC machine come into being. 为此基于数控机床的在机检测技术应运而生。
According to this situation, this dissertation makes deep research on the module development, motion control and precision of OMV in Open CNC System. 为此,本论文围绕开放式数控系统中在机检测功能模块开发、检测运动控制以及检测精度等问题进行了深入研究。
The law of angular velocity and angular acceleration of line of sight is analyzed under different closest distances between OMV and target. 研究了轨道机动飞行器对地球同步轨道卫星的抵近飞行过程。分析了不同过捷点距离下的视线角速度和视线角加速度的变化规律。