This is using the On/ Off Capacity on-demand feature, a feature only recently added to POWER systems. 这使用POWER系统中最近添加的On/OffCapacityon-demand特性。
It provides a well-tested, ready-to-use solution that offers far more than a giant on/ off switch for schema-based validation. 它提供了一种经过认真测试的、可以随时使用的解决方案,而不仅仅是是否启用模式验证的一个开关。
Even the settings screen was just a couple of pages of on/ off buttons and horizontal scroll bars. 即使是设置屏幕也只显示了两三个页面,提供了开关机按钮和水平滚动条。
The singer, who recently bleached his hair blonde, has also be seen stepping out with a new girl after splitting yet again with on/ off girlfriend Selena Gomez. 这名最近把他的棕发漂白的歌星,在又一次和赛琳娜戈麦斯决裂后,已经被目击和一个新女孩外出约会。
No one got on/ off ( the bus) at the last bus stop. 在上个公共汽车站没有人上/下车。
Kristen arrived at the event solo, amid reports she recently split from her on/ off boyfriend of four years Robert Pattinson. 克里斯汀是独自一人来颁奖典礼的,最近新闻也在报道她和交往了四年的罗伯特·帕丁森再次分手的消息。
( Obsolete) Turns on/ off multi-line text in a control. (过时)打开/关闭控件中的多行文本。
Men understand that they wouldn't need toys if women had an "on/ off" switch. 男人认为,如果女人有开关,他们就不再需要玩具了。
Silence ON/ OFF mode selection. 静音闭模选择。
The plane was on/ off course, ie following/ not following the right course. 飞机航向正确[偏离航向]。
Toggle the display of the Model Explorer on/ off. 切换模型资源管理器的显示方式:打开/关闭。
Electrical circuit for the air-conditioned rooms, passenger and goods lifts, general and other equipment failures, lighting, sound, the signal can also be used to connect ON/ OFF auxiliary contacts. 用于空调房间电气线路,乘客和货物的提升,通用等设备的故障、灯光、音响、信号,也可以用于连接ON/OFF辅助接点。
Select/ clear the checkbox to turn a visualization on/ off. 选中/清除该复选框可打开/关闭可视化效果。
Electrical connections: Each machine should be provided with a separate power connection and ground. Individual ON/ OFF controls should also be provided. 电器连接:每个设备必须配备一个独立的电源引线和接地线,个别设备还应具备ON/OFF开关。
Turns on/ off the bullets in front of the currently selected text. 打开/关闭在当前选定文本前的项目符号。
The design only includes an on/ off button and flexible speakers, no word yet on adjusting the volume. 这款播放器只包括了开关机按钮以及弹性扬声器,目前还不能调节音量。
Enhanced ON/ OFF Dynamic Traffic Model and its Simulation 一种增强的ON/OFF瞬时流量模型及其仿真
Butterfly valves can be used for on/ off service and throttling/ balancing. This will minimize line wear by distributing stem and disc weight evenly. 蝶阀通过开启/闭和节流/衡来对管道系统进行控制和调节。这样可以减少由于均衡分散阀杆与蝶板重量所造成的管道损耗。
This paper proposes a three-layer traffic model from analyzing the ON/ OFF model and the WWW traffic stream that fit actual wireless traffic better, and build a single cell UMTS simulation plat. 本文通过对ON/OFF模型和WWW业务流的分析得到一个与实际无线网络更吻合的三层业务模型,并且在OPNET上完成UMTS单蜂窝仿真平台的搭建。
The other protection linking piece on/ off state bars are below this changeover bar. 在此状态条的下方就是各个其它保护功能压板投退状态条。
The modulation works like an on/ off toggle switch. 调制工作类似于板手开关。
( Obsolete) Turns on/ off the selection margin. (过时)打开/关闭选定内容的边距。
Illuminating take on/ off auto-control ( photo-control, time can enact). 照明开/关灯自动控制(光控、定时可设定)。
Pump Safe Operation By Monitoring On/ Off Times 通过监测泵的通/断次数来确保泵安全操作
Analysis and Improvement on Power on/ off Safety Technique of Enclosed HV Switchgear 封闭式高压开关设备停送电安全技术分析与完善
Firstly, ON/ OFF button switch mounted on the machine's instrument panel, is used to control the machine running and stop. OFF按钮开关安装在机台的仪表盘上,用于控制机台的运行与停止。
Students will power is sent to the control box, press ON/ OFF button switch ON keys, operation indicator light, machine. 将电源送至控制箱内,按下ON/OFF按钮开关的ON键,运转指示灯指示,机。
A long press on the END/ POWER key turns on/ off the phone. 长时间按终止/电源键可以开机/关机。
Characteristics of ON/ OFF should be borne in rotary joints with high precision. 高精度的旋转接头要有开/闭功能的特色。
Composition and installation: it is comprised of two motors and an electrical control box with ON/ OFF switches, and it can stay at any position in the interspaces. 组成和安装:由两个马达和一个电子控制盒组成,可开可关,并可停在任意中间位置。