The ultrasonographic diagnosis of grey brown oncoides Object in the posterior ocular wall 后部眼球壁灰褐色隆起物声像学诊断
To study the ultrasonographic characteristics on grey brown oncoides Object in the posterior ocular wall ( choroidal hematoma and choroidal melanoma) for differential diagnosis. 研究后部眼球壁灰褐色隆起物&脉络膜血肿及脉络膜黑色素瘤的声像学表现,以便对其进行声像学鉴别诊断。
The results also showed that the number of PP in jejunal is at most, then is ileum and oncoides part of duodenum. Disposition density from large to small is ileum, jejunal and duodenum. 研究结果还显示,淋巴集结在空肠分布最多,其次为回肠和十二指肠,淋巴集结的分布密度由大到小依次是:回肠、空肠、十二指肠。