Preparation of pseudo-milter and induction of all-female triploid in golden rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss 金鳟伪雄鱼的制备及全雌三倍体的诱导
The cloning and analysis of CKB full length cDNA derived from Oncorhynchus mykiss 虹鳟脑型肌酸激酶基因cDNA全长的克隆与序列分析
Relations of Adrenomedullin, Neuron Specific Enolase and Creatine Kinaes BB Isozyme in Neonates with Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy The cloning and analysis of CKB full length cDNA derived from Oncorhynchus mykiss 缺血缺氧性脑病患儿肾上腺髓质素、神经元特异性烯醇化酶及脑型肌酸激酶同工酶的关系虹鳟脑型肌酸激酶基因cDNA全长的克隆与序列分析
Effects of replacement of fish oil with soybean oil on growth performance, immunity and tissue enzyme activity of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss 用豆油代替鱼油对虹鳟生长、非特异性免疫和组织酶活性的影响
Study on Body Biochemical Compositions and Glycogen Content after Starvation and Refeeding in Golden Rainbow Trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss 饥饿和恢复投喂对金鳟体组分和糖原含量的影响
Six isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets were composed to investigate the effects of incorporation of potato protein concentrate ( PPC) and supplementation of methionine in the diet for rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss) on feeding rate, digestion, growth, feed utilization and body composition. 通过生长试验探讨了饲料中土豆蛋白浓缩物替代鱼粉后对虹鳟摄食率、消化率、生长和饲料利用的影响。
A survey on the population structure of chum salmon ( Oncorhynchus keta Walbaum) in the waters of Heilongjiang river was conducted in 1999~ 2000, as a part of the program for enhance the fish which planned by Sino-Russian fishery combined committee. 1999~2000年对乌苏里江和黑龙江中游大麻哈鱼(OncorhynchusketaWalbaum)生殖群体进行了调查,分析了其形态特征、生物学特性及群体结构。
A survey on the resources of chum salmon ( oncorhynchus keta walbaum) in Heilongjiang waters 黑龙江流域大麻哈鱼(OncorhynchusketaWalbaum)资源现状研究
The structure of Oncorhynchus keta breeding population during migration in Wusuli River 乌苏里江大麻哈鱼的溯河生殖群体结构
Objective: The extraction process of protamine from Oncorhynchus Keta spermary and its antimicrobial activities were studied. 对从大马哈鱼精巢中提取鱼精蛋白的工艺条件及其抑菌活性进行了研究。
Molecular cloning and sequence analysis of growth hormone gene ⅱ of chum salmon ( oncorhynchus keta) 大麻哈鱼生长激素基因Ⅱ的分子克隆和序列分析(英文)
Blood indices of rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss), coho salmon ( O.kisutch) and their hybrid 虹鳟、银鲑及其杂交种血液指标的比较研究
The Effect of the Feeding Additive, Peptides from Shrimp Waste, on Growth Performance of Pacific salmon, Oncorhynchus spp. Fed Soybean Meal Stuff-based Diet 虾肽在太平洋鲑鱼大豆蛋白日粮中作用研究
Experiment on eyed eggs incubation of pure line Oncorhynchus mykiss under low temperature 纯系金鳟发眼卵低温孵化试验
Effects of Temperature and Steroid Hormones on Immunoglobulin M ( IgM) in Immature Rainbow Trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss 温度和类固醇激素对虹鳟免疫球蛋白M(IgM)的影响
Sex reversal and gonadal development of triploid rainbow trout ( oncorhynchus mykiss) 三倍体虹鳟性转换及性腺发育的研究(英文)
Dissolved oxygen ( DO) levels were regulated by a gas/ water mixing machine in closed recirculating system for the culture of juvenile rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. 在封闭式循环养殖系统中,采用气/水混合溶解机调节虹鳟养殖水中的溶氧量。
The biology characteristic of female mature fish Salmo gairdneri Richardson 、 Oncorhynchus mykiss and content of four polyunsaturated fatty acid ( PUFA) in its spawn were analysed and studied. 对相同饲养条件下经产虹鳟和初产金鳟亲鱼自然成熟产卵群体生物学特性及其成熟鱼卵中四种不饱和脂肪酸(亚油酸、亚麻酸、EPA、DHA)组成含量进行分析比较。
Inducing all Female Triploid in Rainbow Trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss) with Heat Shock 热休克诱导全雌虹鳟三倍体
The preliminary research on artificial fertilization technology of Oncorhynchus masou masou 山女鳟人工受精孵化技术初步研究
The concentrated spawning time of mature Oncorhynchus mykiss was from October to January of following year, the most was in December. 已成熟虹鳟产卵时间集中在10月至翌年1月,产卵高峰为12月。
The breeding cycle of Oncorhynchus mykiss was one year and the spawning type was single spawning. 虹鳟繁殖周期为一年,产卵类型为一次性产卵。