This paper attempts to explore the role of Internet media using the critical theory of Herbert Marcuse about "one-dimensionality". 本文立足马尔库塞“单向度”理论的批判视角探析网络媒介功能。
Another brief but spicy discussion on the one-dimensionality of modern tennis ensued. 另一场简短却辛辣的讨论随即爆发,题目是现代网球一维性。
One-dimensionality in the Contemporary Society of Advanced Industry& Comment on Harbert Marcuse's Theory of One-dimension 当代发达工业社会的单向度&马尔库塞单向度理论评析
Man becomes one-dimensionality. In order to safeguard the dignity of people Marcuse has given a sharp criticism of the capitalist society. 马尔库塞以维护人的尊严为已任,对资本主义社会的这种病态进行了深刻批判。
The abandon of the one-dimensionality existence of human should be completed by social revolution. 单向度的人是异化的人,对人的单向度存在的扬弃仍然需要通过社会革命来完成。