There was a steady process of secular westernization, guided by Kemal, under this one-party rule. 在凯末尔的一党制的领导下,土耳其稳步地进行着欧美化的进程。
It is well known that, the public willingness expression efficiency of multi-party countries is higher than that of one-party countries, which involves the problems of political system. 众所周知,多党制国家的公众意愿表达效率要高于一党制国家,这涉及到政治体制的问题。
The Process and Causes of the Lost of One-party Dominance of Congress Party and Its Impact on Indian Politics 国大党丧失一党独大地位的过程、原因及其对印度政治的影响
Even many on the liberal "right", who call for change, would contemplate nothing more radical than Singapore-style one-party dominance. 即使在呼吁改革的自由主义“右派”里,很多人设想中最为激进的统治模式也只不过是新加坡式的一党独大。
Countries of multi-party system and one-party system have different understandings and exercise styles over the public sphere. 公众范围在多党制国家与一党制国家有着不同的理解与不同的行使方式。
It is not always a pretty sight, decisions tend to take much longer than in a one-party government, and the end result may be less legislation rather than more. 那幅场景不总是令人满意,决策所花的时间要比一党政府长得多,而且结果可能是通过的立法更少,而不是更多。
Fighting corruption under one-party rule is more difficult. 反腐工作在一党制下更加困难。
Well, it turns out you actually can have a one-party state and those things. 但是,事实上,你实际可以这样做,在一个一党制的国家。
This division of the nation into different sections with opposing interests ended the one-party system of Monroe's administration. 一个国家由于不同利益而分成了不同的地块终结了门罗政府的一党制。
Also, they won't like China having a United front, they want us to play "a one-party game". 中国搞统一战线,他们也不赞成,他们希望我们搞“清一色”。
Chinese leaders appear to believe that they have discovered the magic formula for political survival: a one-party regime that embraces capitalism and globalisation. 中国领导人似乎相信,它发现了政治生存的神奇公式,也就是:拥抱资本主义和全球化的一党制政权。
They accuse the incumbent President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of trying to bring back a one-party state system in Liberia. 他们指控现任总统爱伦•约翰森•希尔丽夫试图在利比里亚恢复一党制。
For a one-party regime for which elite unity is critical, any deep schisms within its top leadership could trigger a chain of de-stabilizing events. 精英间的团结对一党制政体至关重要,高层领导间任何深层的裂痕都可能造成连锁反应,破坏稳定。
The legal peculiarities of a one-party state are not confined to high-profile criminal cases. 一党制国家的法律特征,不仅局限于这些令人瞩目的刑事案件。
Beijing sees firm control of Xinjiang as key to its ability to preserve territorial integrity and one-party rule. 在北京方面看来,牢牢控制住新疆,是其保持中国领土完整和一党制的关键。
A final problem is that China is a one-party state with few freedoms. 最后的问题是,中国是一个缺乏自由的一党制国家。
Yes, meritocracy can only work in the context of a one-party state. 没错,精英管理只能在一党制国家的环境中发挥作用。
From this perspective, she thinks Chinese politics has changed a great deal, even if there is still one-party rule. 从这个角度而言,她认为中国政治发生了很大变化,尽管依然是一党制。
China is just starting to build professional bodies with the kind of independence that has so far not thrived in a one-party state. 中国刚刚开始建立专业机构,迄今为止,那种机构所具有的独立性还从未在一党制国家发展起来。
The rise of wealth, a middle class, education and international contacts are slowly undermining one-party rule and nurturing a new kind of politics. 富人的崛起,中产阶级的诞生,教育和国际交流,这一切都潜在地挑战着一党制,并慢慢滋养着一种新的政治形态。
It is ironic that a one-party state should embrace an anti-monopoly law. 一个一党制国家施行《反垄断法》,是件颇具讽刺意味的事情。
Britain's new coalition government is a source of some bewilderment in a country used to one-party governments& but its two leaders seemed determined to see the funny side on Wednesday. 英国新组建的联合让习惯了一党揽政的感到有些迷茫,但本周三两位新任人似乎决意要一展风趣的一面。
With its unreformed one-party system, its rote-learning in schools and state control of big businesses," new China "is hardly a haven for innovative thinking. 乏善可陈的一党制,死记硬背的育人方式和对于大型企业的国有管制,这些束缚最终还是很难使“新中国”成为孕育创新思想的温床。
However, even these crucial trends and policy debates will be swamped in coming years by the core question of whether and how a one-party state can make itself accountable. 不过,未来数年内,对上述重要趋势及政策的讨论都将被一党制国家是否及如何使自己成为负责任的大国这个关键问题所淹没。
Electors, who for decades have had no real choice, have seized the opportunity to end one-party rule. 数十年来未曾有过真正选择的日本选民,抓住了结束一党统治的机会。
The political climate in a one-party state such as China is harder to gauge. 评估中国等一党制国家的政治气候难度更大。
At home, he must try to unite his country, tackling its economic ills while avoiding the pitfalls of one-party rule. 国内方面,他必须动员美国上下团结一心,解决经济问题,同时避免陷入一党遮天的局面。
Singapore's dominant one-party system has set an example for countries such as China, Russia and the Gulf states. 新加坡的一党独大体制为中国、俄罗斯和海湾等国树立了榜样。
But not even he goes as far as to call for the end of one-party rule. 但连他都不能完全做到一党派规定的要求。
It is not yet clear whether China, as a one-party state, can finesse this problem. 目前尚不清楚一党制的中国能否解决好这个问题。