These include one-shot exchanges such as DNS lookup, where the cost introduced by BEEP would be disproportionate, or tightly coupled RPC protocols like NFS. 其中包括只有一次的交换,如DNS查找,这里由BEEP引起的成本将不成比例,还包括紧密耦合的RPC协议,如NFS。
Timer has a number of schedule() overloads, indicating whether a given task is to be one-shot or a repeating, and takes a TimerTask instance to fire. Timer有许多schedule()重载,它们提示某一任务是一次性还是重复的,并且有一个启动的TimerTask实例。
Acme has found that booking travel through a web service is not a one-shot deal for many customers. Acme已发现,对于许多客户来说,通过Web服务来预订旅程并不是一次性完成的。
Because Working XML follows the development of actual projects, it will give me more opportunities to warn you against dead ends than I'd have in a one-shot article with only a hypothetical situation. 因为使用XML跟踪的是实际项目的开发,所以比起在只有一种假设情况的一篇一次性文章中,我有更多机会告诫您提防死胡同。
As I've shown you, modeling is not a one-shot deal ( except with the most trivial applications). 前面已经提到,建模不是一蹴而就的事(除了那些最简单的应用程序)。
This call includes the timer, clock definition, and timer mode ( one-shot or restart). 这个调用包含计时器、时钟定义和计时器模式(one-shot或restart)。
Google says its plan isn't one-shot. 谷歌表示,这个计划不是一次性的。
Normal close, normal open, manual reset, one-shot. 常闭、常开、手动复位、一次动作。
That, for a while, will offset the general diminished trend we have seen over the past two quarters, but it is a one-shot thing. 在一段时间内,这将使得我们在过去两个季度见到的、经济全面萎缩的势头得以缓解,但财政刺激的效果是一次性的。
Astrology is not a one-shot [ 1] deal; it is a constant light. 占星不是一次性的交易,它是道永恒不变的光芒。
But can it be so hard to realize that the Ultimatum Game is a one-shot interaction? 但是,要明白最后通牒游戏只有一次互动的机会,真有那麽困难吗?
It's a one-shot deal out of the country. 那是唯一离开这个国家的机会。
But I won't be able to do that if I think this is a one-shot deal. 但如果我认为这只是一次性买卖,我没办法那样做。
Use of one-shot things will be restricted. 限制一次性物品使用。
For an additive Gaussian quantum channel, the one-shot quantum capacity is calculated for all Gaussian inputs according to the formula of quantum information capacity of a quantum channel. 在此基础上确定单模输入时信道的量子信息容量,量子容量由热噪声输入态达到。
The kinds of interpersonal violence that women are exposed to tend to be in domestic situations, by, unfortunately, parents or other family members, and they tend not to be one-shot deals. 女性更倾向于在家庭环境中人际之间的暴力,不幸的是发生在家长或其它家庭成员中,而且这些也常常不是一次性可以解决的。
One-shot phase-shifting on-axis digital holography based on spatial light modulator 基于空间光调制器的一步相移同轴数字全息
Clearly, there is no magic pill or one-shot vaccine that inoculates the individual against cognitive decline in old age. 明显的,没有神奇药丸和一次性的疫苗可以防止老年认识力的减退。
They had a one-shot lead over Adam Scott, Brian Gay and Ryan Palmer. 他们以一杆优势领先亚当-斯科特,布赖恩-盖伊和莱恩-帕尔默。
Example of a "one-shot" position request. “一次性”的位置请求示例。
Disposable amenities, please render to use up to the articles recovery point of medical equipment. Use of one-shot things will be restricted. 一次性卫生用品,用完请投放到医疗器械用品回收点。限制一次性物品使用。
Evidence from several other games indicates that experimental subjects are cognitively well aware of the difference between one-shot and repeated encounters. 多项其他游戏结果显示,参与者对「只有一次回答机会」和「能反覆讨价还价」的差别,其实很清楚。
Your correspondent has no doubt that such a one-shot flu vaccine will one day be given to infants along with jabs against chickenpox. 毫无疑问,这种一次接种即可的疫苗在未来的某天就会同水痘疫苗一样给婴儿接种。
One-shot binding: Perfect binding with one application of hot-melt glue only. As distinct from Two-shot binding. Spine-bulk: The thickness of the spine of a book block not including the thickness of the cover boards. 一次胶胶装:用热熔胶涂书脊一次的胶装。有别于两次胶胶装。脊厚:书芯厚度,它不包括书皮纸板的厚度。
Observation Effect Case of the Acute Pulpitis Cured with One-shot Root Canal 一次性根充法治疗急性牙髓炎130例的疗效观察
It is a one-shot thing: once ignorance has been displaced with knowledge it is hard to get it back. 无知就如开弓之箭,一去不复返:一旦无知被知识所取代,那么就很难回到无知的初始状态了。
The technical scheme has reasonable structure, easy operation, one-shot forming, firm and even compounding and stable quality. 本技术方案具有结构合理、操作简单、一次成形、复合牢固均匀、品质稳定等优点。
Strategies that are not optimal for a one-shot game may be optimal for a repeated game. 对于只有一次的博弈,策略不是最佳的,可能对于重复性博弈就是最佳的了。
By and large Japan remains a "one-shot society": those who fail to get a good job upon graduation can be frozen out for life. 总的来说,日本现在仍然是“一锤定音”的社会,那些在毕业时没找到好工作的人,一辈子都翻不了身。
After the one-shot game model and flow equilibrium solution are discussed, the behaviors of flow and congestion control based on infinite repeated game model further is studied. 在讨论了一次博弈模型和流速均衡解析解的基础上,对基于无限重复博弈模型的流速与拥塞控制行为进行了研究。