A handful of onlookers stand in the field watching. 少数几个旁观者站在现场观看。
The small group of onlookers presented a pathetic sight 这一小群旁观者看起来真是让人悲哀。
A hush fell over the onlookers. 旁观者们突然静了下来。
Jake Gyllenhaal shocked onlookers with his gaunt appearance at the 17th Annual Hollywood Film Awards on Monday night. 杰克吉伦哈尔周一晚出席第17届好莱坞电影奖颁奖礼,憔悴的面容深深地震惊了观众们。
The police obliged the onlookers to leave. 警察迫使围观者离开。
Two wrestlers stood in a circle of shouting onlookers and sized up each other. 两个摔跤手站在一圈嚣叫的旁观者中心,互相打量着对方。
After circling her opponent with what onlookers described as a deathly stare, the streets feisty newcomer attacked. 弗莱娅绕着她的对手转圈,旁观的人描述她是死死盯住拉里,然后这只充满活力的唐宁街新任御就猫发动了攻击。
Scuffles broke out and police beat back onlookers and those trying to reach the building to keep the way open for emergency vehicles. 扭打起疹子和击退旁观者的警察和那些努力到达那些大楼适合紧急救援车保持方式开。
Destroyed in the vicinity just residential areas, many people have come to onlookers. 销毁现场附近正好是居民住宅区,有不少群众纷纷赶来围观。
A quiet life; a quiet throng of onlookers; quiet peace-loving people; the factions remained quiet for almost 10 years. 平静的生活;安静的旁观人群;安静的和平爱好者;派系斗争几乎保持了十年的安静。
The onlookers concealed the fact of the accident from the policeman. 旁观者向警察隐瞒了事故的真实情况。
After the crash, onlookers said that the plane had suddenly dropped down out of the sky. 飞机坠毁后,旁观者说那架飞机是突然从天上掉下来的。
Police officers and other onlookers did nothing. 而警察和围观者却无动于衷,袖手旁观。
ONE-BLOCK-LONG ornamental dragon danced through the streets of Hobart yesterday, delighting hundreds of onlookers. 一个整个街区长的观赏性的龙昨天在皞峇灯的街道舞动,令旁观者很高兴。
In what was a rare reunion, the trio startled onlookers with their youthful appearances. 在这次难得的重聚中,三位霹雳娇娃依然年轻的容貌震惊了所有观众。
The onlookers applauded apathetically, a little damply. 旁观者漠然地鼓掌,显得有点冷淡。
She blew a kiss to the shivering onlookers. 她向颤抖的旁观人群送去一个飞吻。
The ugly incident outraged many onlookers. 这件不堪丑事让许多旁观者义愤填膺。
The broader circle of observers and onlookers are fed information that creates the illusion the leaders want. 观察者与旁观者的更广泛圈子被喂养了信息,这些信息产生了领导者所希望的幻觉。
Acrowd of curious onlookers soon gathered to see what was happening. 一群好奇的旁观者很快聚拢过来看发生了什么事。
A bond exists between the onlookers and the pierced ones. 在那些刺穿肌肉的人和旁观者之间存在着一条纽带。
The four onlookers jumped down from their stools-and joined in. 坐在那里旁观的四位也加入了。
Horrified suspense entrances the onlookers. 令人毛骨悚然的气氛使旁观者们目瞪口呆。
Eventually, several busloads of uniformed and plainclothes officers arrived and pushed onlookers away. 最后,几车身着制服和便衣的警察抵达现场,把看热闹的人推开。
One regrettable consequence of this is that onlookers often conclude that religion causes the violence done in its name. 而一个令人惋惜的后果是旁观者们往往总结出宗教自身会引起暴力。
Hundreds of onlookers gathered a few hundred metres away behind a police cordon. 在警方设置的警戒线以外数百米的地方,聚集着数百名围观者。
He said a crowd of onlookers gathered around the scene, as well as fire and emergency crews who worked to control the blaze. 他说现场聚集了一群旁观的人群,还有消防队员和救护人员在努力控制火势。
A crowd of onlookers gathered at the scene of the crash. 在撞车地点聚集了一大群围观者。
A funeral would have a lot of onlookers from morning to night. 办丧事那天,从早到晚的,都有很多人来看。
Isolate the casualty from any onlookers and gently but firmly help casualty to calm down enough to regain control. 将患者隔离,不让人旁观,温柔而坚定地帮助患者平静下来以使其恢复行为控制的能力。