He was killed by an onrushing locomotive. 他被飞驰而来的火车头撞死了。
Onrushing BMW ( and Audi) is chipping away at Mercedes 'share of the premium market. 强势增长的宝马【和奥迪(Audi>)】正在步步蚕食梅塞德斯-奔驰在高端市场上的份额。
Mr Bernanke, who literally wrote the book on the depression, knows that there is always a chance that the light at the end of the tunnel is in fact an onrushing train. 伯南克撰写过关于“大萧条”的著作,他知道隧道尽头的光芒总有可能只是一列飞奔而来的列车。
The wild animals took flight before the onrushing fire. 大火卷来,野兽逃窜。
Coming through the throe from the real estate industry bubble-bursting in 90s, the real estate industry has made a onrushing progress. 近年,在经历了90年代房地产泡沫破裂的阵痛之后,我国房地产业得到了迅猛的发展,各地房地产开发如火如荼。