The onshore wind blew steadily past him. 向岸海风在他身边徐徐吹过。
There was a bit of a wind and it was blowing onshore, variable, but quite strong. 有一阵风朝岸上吹来,风向变化不定,但风力很强。
It will explore for oil and gas both onshore and offshore in an area larger than Kuwait. 该公司将在一个比整个科威特面积还大的地区同时开采陆地和海洋油气资源。
The onshore and offshore versions of the renminbi are not freely exchangeable. 在岸和离岸人民币都不能自由兑换。
He also set up one of the first funds tracking the onshore bond market. 他还建立了一支追踪中国在岸债券市场的基金,是最早的此类基金之一。
With the Shanghai-HK Connect, and this Mutual Fund Connect, onshore and offshore individuals and institutions now have more channels and greater quotas to make cross-border financial market investments, said analysts at the Japanese bank. 野村证券的分析师表示,有了沪港通(Shanghai-HKConnect)和中港基金互认,境内外的个人和机构如今在进行跨境金融市场投资时,有了更多的渠道和更大的配额。
CNPC would help take a share of oil produced in onshore and offshore fields, the news agency said. 上述官方通讯社称,中石油将帮助中国从陆地和海上油田分得一部分石油产量。
To give themselves more leeway, bigger developers have turned away from fickle onshore financing to international bond markets. 为了给自己多一些灵活应对的余地,大的房产开放商已经从不稳定的境内融资转向了国际证券市场。
Owners of onshore and offshore facilities also were strictly liable for government clean-up costs. 陆上或近海开采设施的所有者也必须严格偿还政府用于清理工作的费用。
This is because China retains extensive capital controls that limit the flow of renminbi between the onshore and offshore markets. 这是因为中国仍保留着广泛的资本管制,对在岸与离岸市场之间的人民币流动构成了限制。
At present, foreign financial institutions are only able to invest Renminbi they already hold onshore. 目前,境外金融机构只能投资它们在岸持有的人民币。
We provides drilling fluids engineering services both offshore and onshore. 我们为海上和陆地钻井上提供钻井液工程技术服务。
China also has patented onshore oil rigs, offshore oil platforms and10 million-ton-a-year refinery plants. 陆地石油钻机、海上石油钻井平台和千万吨级炼油设备实现自主制造。
Licences to 16 of the 18 onshore blocks expired last year, and two more run out in 2019. 在18个尼日利亚陆上石油区块中,有16个区块的执照去年已到期,还有两个区块将于2019年到期。
China will also research ways to develop more and wider channels for offshore RMB to come onshore. 中方也将研究增加和扩大离岸人民币资金回流的渠道。
Within China, companies and investors use the official onshore rate, or CNY. 而在中国内地,企业和投资者使用的是官方在岸汇率,代码为CNY。
Its strategy of achieving this through parallel development of the onshore and offshore RMB markets is also unique. 它实现这一目标的战略也很独特双管齐下,并行发展在岸和离岸人民币市场。
The two initiatives effectively create a new onshore and a new offshore dollar liquidity facility. 实际上,上述两项措施分别创造了一个新的在岸美元流动性工具和一个新的离岸美元流动性工具。
China has huge offshore and onshore oil reserves. 中国有丰富的海上和陆上石油储备。
This reduction has already forced the central bank to ease onshore liquidity conditions to prevent serious financial stresses emerging. 资金流入的减少已迫使中国央行放松境内流动性环境,以防出现严重的金融压力。
At least one global bank has recently closed its China onshore private bank after just a few years. 最近,至少有一家全球性银行关闭了它们在中国开业刚几年的在岸私人银行服务。
Onshore unit trusts could only be sold to pension funds and charities. Offshore funds were not restricted. 在岸单位信托基金只能面向养老基金和慈善机构销售,而离岸基金则不受限制。
Greater integration of the onshore and offshore foreign exchange market would make these pressures more immediate. 境内和境外外汇市场的进一步整合可能会使这些压力更加紧迫。
The currency flows be-tween the onshore and offshore markets only through controlled channels, mainly trade. 人民币只能通过受控渠道主要是贸易渠道在在岸和离岸市场之间流动。
China's four largest state-owned banks control the vast majority of the onshore derivatives markets. 中国四大国有银行控制着国内衍生品市场的绝大部分。
This caused Chinese companies to stop investing in onshore US assets until late last year. 这件事导致中国公司停止了对美国在岸资产的投资,直到去年底为止。
We then consider the issues that arise with regard to offshore investor's influence on the onshore yield curve. 然后我们研究了境外投资人对国内收益曲线的影响所引申出的问题。
During typhoon evacuation, onshore control for offshore facilities is especially important. 尤其是在撤台风期间,陆地对海上设施的控制更为重要。
Indeed, on average, offshore renminbi bond yields have not moved in line with onshore yields. 确实如此,离岸人民币债券平均收益率的变动与在岸市场收益率的变动并不同步。