These types of inheritance are very common in OO analysis, design, and programming. 这些类型的继承在OO分析、设计和编程中极为普遍。
Another interesting subject in OO is object persistence. OO中另一个有趣的主题就是对象持久性。
We need better tools that integrate the database capabilities into all the phases of OO development. 我们需要可以将数据库功能集成到所有OO开发阶段(包括分析、设计和实现)的更好的工具。
RPC-style Web services use the same synchronous request-response pattern that is typically seen in OO-style object method invocations. RPC样式的Web服务使用了在OO样式的对象方法调用中常见的同步请求-响应模式。
Some of the keys to OO are the data encapsulation and the concept of inheritance. OO的关键包括数据封装和继承的概念。
In an OO system, each class completely encapsulates the data and behavior of a specific concept. 在00系统中,每个类完全封装了特定概念的数据以及行为。
You can compile object-oriented ( OO) clients and classes by using the cob2_j command. 使用cob2j命令可以编译面向对象(OO)的客户端和类。
In traditional Object-Oriented ( OO) design, it is common to have multiple object instances that implement the same interface. 在传统的面向对象(OO)设计中,通常让多个对象实例实现相同的接口。
When I was first learning about OO concepts, I was doubtful that interfaces were really helpful. 在我最初了解OO概念时,我十分怀疑接口是否真正有帮助。
As experienced software engineers, we are accustomed to using Object Oriented ( OO) techniques for our development. 有经验的软件工程师在开发时大都习惯使用面向对象(ObjectOriented,OO)技术。
However, without object-oriented language constructs, a programmer can still introduce OO characteristics into PHP code. 但是,没有面向对象的语言构造,程序员仍然可以把OO特性引入到PHP代码中。
SOA operations are directly comparable to object-oriented ( OO) methods. SOA操作可以直接与面向对象(OO)的方法相比。
A foundation of Indigo's programming model is OO implementation of all aspects of SOA programming. Indigo编程模型的基础之一是使用OO实现SOA编程的所有方面。
SO is significantly different from OO. SO与OO有很大的不同。
A notion of instance in this metamodel is different from the notion of instance used in OO. 这个元模型中实例的概念有别于在OO中使用的实例概念。
By using the OO technology and multithreading technology, the maintenance& upgrade is very easy and convenient. 采用了面向对象技术和多线程技术,使得系统的维护和升级变得十分方便。
Application of object-oriented ( oo) prototyping method to the requirement analysis 面向对象的原型法在需求分析中的应用
The Research and System Development of Product Configuration by Combining OO and Constraint Reasoning 结合面向对象技术和约束推理的产品配置方法研究及系统开发
Root-root is an OO framework for large-scale scientific data analysis and data mining. root是一个面向对象框架,用于大规模科学数据分析和数据挖掘。
Remoting technologies such as EJB or CORBA mistakenly attempted to apply O-O principles to interprocess communications. 诸如EJB或CORBA这样的远程技术错误之处在于,试图将OO原则应用到进程间通信上。
This can be done using the'override '-feature, which in OO is also known as specialization. 这将可以利用无次序的特性去完成,哪一个都将被认为是在OO中。
CBD's predecessor was object-oriented ( OO) development. cbd的前身是面向对象(OO)的开发。
I actually think that prototype based OO is more natural, and easier to understand than class based OO. 实际上我认为基于原型的OO要比基于类的OO更自然,也更容易理解。
The SCRUM methodology embodies these general, loose controls, using OO techniques for the actual construction of deliverables. 在使用面向对象技术来构建实际的可发行软件过程中,SCRUM方法包括了一般化和松散的控制。
A crosscutting concern, when implemented in a traditional OO approach, cuts across many classes and methods. 一个横切关注点,在用传统OO方法实现时,会分解成很多类和方法。
A much-needed evolution resulted from the OO ( object-oriented) approach. 面向对象(OO)方法带来了迫切需要的进步。
Scala intentionally provides no static keyword, since statics collide with the composite OO/ functional paradigm. Scala故意没有提供static关键字,因为static与复合的OO/函数式范式有冲突。
OO Calc-is a spreadsheet application that you can use to calculate, analyze, and manage your data. 面向对象的计算-是一个试算表应用程式,您可以使用来计算,分析和管理您的数据。
Java was never really intended to be an OO language. Java从来没有真正想成为一个面向对象语言。