Some people are worn because of oosperm the bed is not stable, gently drop one Jiao causes miscarriage possibly also. 有些人因受精卵着床不稳定,轻轻的跌一跤也可能造成流产。
The release time of first polar body, second polar body and the start time of first cleavage about Haliotis diversicolor aquatilis's oosperm are related to the water temperature. 九孔鲍受精卵的第一极体、第二极体以及第一次卵裂的出现时间与水温有关。
By the study we found that we could study to inject environment hormone using oosperm. 研究表明可以利用鸡的受精卵来进行环境激素的注射研究,也就是说,可以利用鸡的受精卵来进行环境激素评价法的研究。
In this work the reaction kinetics model of protein synthesis in an oosperm, which was proposed in another paper of the author, is extended to the case where all the molecules would be ellipsoids of revolution. 本文将作者曾提出的受精卵中蛋白质合成的反应动力学模型推广到旋转椭球形分子的情形。
The study believed that there was no need to exchange culture fluid during the culturing of bovine oosperm in vitro. 本研究认为在牛体外受精卵的体外发育培养过程中,不必进行培养液的交换,对胚胎发育并无不良影响。
It was found that, when the water temperature ranged from 20 ℃ to 23 ℃, the embryonic development from oosperm to mature glochidia took 11 days. 结果表明:在水温20℃-23℃时,受精卵发育为膜内钩介幼虫需11d;
Preliminary study on Sepia esculenta oosperm hatching and effects of different adhesion substrates 金乌贼受精卵孵化及不同材料附着基附卵效果的初步研究
The study on environment hormone estimate by using chicken oosperm ( 1) 鸡的受精卵进行环境激素评价法的研究(一)
Neurogenetic disorders are defined as clinical diseases caused by defects in the numbers, the structure or the function of germ cells or oosperm mainly resulting in neural dysfunction of the developing individual. 神经系统遗传病是由于生殖细胞或受精卵遗传物质的数量、结构或功能改变,使发育的个体出现以神经功能缺损为主要临床表现的疾病。