The elements which are to be opaquely parsed must be named on the parser options tab of the input node of the message flow. 不透明解析的元素必须在消息流的输入节点的解析器选项选项卡上命名。
An even more pressing concern is the potentially huge crop of fresh bad loans waiting to emerge from among all the loans extended to opaquely structured local government financing vehicles. 更为紧迫的担忧是,银行向结构晦暗不明的地方政府融资平台发放了大量贷款,这随时可能导致大量新不良贷款的出现。
To outsiders, the process of choosing party successors remains as opaquely Byzantine as ever. 在外人看来,党的接班过程仍然充斥着不透明和拜占庭主义。
He referred opaquely to her recent past. 他没有打听清楚她最近的情况。
Roll out updates instantly and opaquely to the users. 推出对用户不透明的即时更新。