For one thing, extra dough recruiters call it an "open-market premium" often goes to job candidates wooed from outside. 首先,被企业招聘人员称为“开放市场溢价”的额外薪资通常会支付给从企业外部招聘来的求职者。
In addition to slashing interest rates, the central bank has been buying bank bonds through its open-market operations to help bring down interest rates. 除大幅降息外,央行还一直在通过公开市场操作买入银行债券,以便帮助利率回落。
For the time being, Belarus remains self-isolated from the West and its open-market economies. 从那时开始,白俄罗斯孤立于西方世界与开放的市场经济。
Albania is making difficult transition to a more modern open-market economy. 为向更加现代化的开放的市场经济迈进,阿尔巴尼亚正在作出艰难的转变。
Over the past week the central bank had provided targeted money to cash-strapped lenders but it had yet to offer any liquidity via its open-market operations, a more transparent and powerful channel for influencing the financial system. 上周中国央行定向为部分囊中羞涩的银行提供了资金,但并未通过公开市场操作提供流动性。在金融体系调控方面,公开市场操作是一种比定向注资更透明、更有力的手段。
Over five consecutive trading sessions, it had refrained from injecting cash in the financial system through its regular open-market operations. 此前央行连续五个交易日没有通过常态化的公开市场操作向金融体系注入资金。
FOR the first time since the credit crisis began, the Federal Reserve's open-market committee decided to keep American interest rates on hold. 这是信贷危机开始后第一次,联储的公开市场委员会决定将美国的利率水平继续保持不变。
Like many of the region's outmoded state-run factories, the plant couldn't compete in china's new open-market economy. 就像东北许多旧时的国有工厂,这家工厂也无法在中国新的开放市场经济中竞争。
But it held its fire and instead adopted more cautious tactics, relying on open-market operations to inject liquidity. 但中国央行并未使出这一招,而是采用了更为审慎的战术,依靠公开市场操作来注入流动性。
It then partially reversed the effect of that move by draining money via its open-market operations. 随后央行又通过公开市场操作减少货币总量,在一定程度上扭转了这一动作的效果。
Analysts said the severity of the tightening could be softened in coming months if the central bank used its open-market operations to inject more cash into the economy. 分析师们表示,如果中国央行利用其公开市场操作向经济注入更多现金,那么这次收紧行动的力度可在今后几个月得到减缓。
The central bank has also suspended bill sales in open-market operations in the run-up to the lunar new year, which is celebrated at the end of January, as another way of ensuring that there is enough cash in the financial system. 在农历新年(1月末)前,央行也已暂停公开市场操作中的央票发行,以确保金融系统中有充足的现金。
The central bank typically gauges demand from banks the day before conducting open-market operations, but on this occasion it issued the repos without advance warning, traders said. 交易员们表示,中国央行通常会在进行公开市场操作前一天评估银行需求,但这次它在没有预先警告的情况下就实施了正回购操作。
Deposit reserves, rediscount and open-market operation are generally known as the three most effective instruments of monetary policy. 存款准备金、再贴现、公开市场业务并称为货币政策的“三大法宝”。
Mr Wu says the central bank will come forward with open-market operations and short-term liquidity operations, a new tool it introduced last year, if interbank rates soar again. 胡文涛表示,如果银行间同业拆借利率再次飙升,中国央行将出手进行公开市场操作和短期流动性操作,后者是它在去年启用的一件新工具。
The Chinese central bank has trimmed banks 'required reserves and also used its open-market operations to inject more cash in the economy, reducing banks' funding costs. 中国央行已小幅下调了银行存款准备金率,还通过公开市场操作向经济注入了更多现金,降低了各银行的融资成本。
In normal times central banks move short-term interest rates via "open-market operations": by buying or selling securities, they supply or subtract reserves from the banking system. 在正常时期,央行会通过“公开市场操作”来调整短期利率:即通过购买或出售证券,增加或缩减银行系统的准备金。
Currently, we find values most easily obtained through the open-market purchase of fractional positions in companies with excellent business franchises and competent, honest managements. 目前,我们发现最容易获得价值的是,在公开市场购买具有商业特许经营而且有着诚实称职的管理层的优秀公司的一部分。
Instead, it has focused on providing short-term liquidity to the ailing economy through its open-market operations. 相反,中国央行主要致力于通过公开市场操作来为疲弱的经济注入短期流动性。
The main object in the open-market operations in China at present is the bonds issued by the central bank, and in the future it should be national debt. 现阶段中国公开市场业务操作对象主要是央行票据,未来中国公开市场业务的操作对象应该以国债为主。
There are primarily three common forms of share repurchase: Dutch auctions, Fixed-price tender offers and Open-market repurchase. 股票回购方式主要有三种:固定价格要约回购,荷兰式拍卖回购以及公开市场回购。
The NPL's evaluating method is still restricted by open-market hypothesis and some special principle, but the open-market hypothesis has duality. 不良资产评估仍需遵循公开市场假设,但这一假设具有二元性,不良资产评估还需遵循特殊的原则;
The management of open-market business by People's Bank of China makes a success in the operating foundation currency, the adjusting commercial bank mobility, and the piloting interest rate of the currency market. 中国人民银行运用公开市场操作,在调控基础货币、调节商业银行流动性、引导货币市场利率等方面取得了一定的成功。