Open-pollinated progenies of such genotypes are raised separately. 将这种基因型的自由传粉的后代分别播种。
To make the garden even more economical, Mary even saves her own open-pollinated corn, squash, and bean seeds to use to grow the next year's crop. 为了要让菜园产量更好,玛莉还保留下交互授粉的玉米,南瓜与豆子的种子好做为来年的栽培。
Analyzing Parameters of Height-Age Models for Open-Pollinated Japanese Larch Families 日本落叶松家系对树高生长模型参数的影响
Combustion is a chain reaction that may be initiated and propagated by free radicals like the hydroxyl free radical. Open-pollinated progenies of such genotypes are raised separately. 燃烧是一个连锁反应,能被自由基(羟自由基)发和传播。将这种基因型的自由传粉的后代分别播种。
A preliminary genetic grading on plus trees open-pollinated progenies of Masson Pine in Fujian Province 福建省马尾松优树自由授粉子代及其亲本的初步评定
Growth performance of 149 open-pollinated families of loblolly pine 149个火炬松自由授粉家系的生长表现
Genetic Analysis and Combined Selection for Growth and Wood Quality of Open-pollinated 马尾松自由授粉家系生长和材质的遗传分析及联合选择
It is suggested to select some of families in the nursery instead of to use all the families when establishing seedling seed orchards with open-pollinated families from plus-trees. 因此,这个时期进行家系选择不太有效,建议在利用优树自由授粉子代建立实生种子园时,对他们先期进行苗期选择,而不是采用所有的子代。图1表4参20。
Genetic Variations of Seed Orchard Open-pollinated Progenies and Selection of Superior Genotypes of Chinese fir 杉木种子园自由授粉子代遗传变异及优良遗传型选择
And then, in this progeny test plantation, the 4-6 flowered trees in one full-sib family and one open-pollinated family were chosen to be mated in involving self-, back-, within sib-and outcrossing. 在他们的子代林中,取一个全同胞家系和一个自由授粉家系,各选4至6株开花植株连同它们的亲本,分别进行自交、回交、同胞内交配和异交测定。
According to the synthetical analysis, 7 superior families and 12 superior individuals with good ( performance) in growth, wood property, form and qulity traits were selected from 63 open-pollinated families tested. 从参试的63个杉木自由授粉子代家系中选出生长、材性、形质性状兼优的优良家系7个、优良个体12株。
Open-pollinated seeds were assayed for allozyme polymorphisms at 24 loci to estimate genetic diversity and assess multilocus associations in 16 populations of Cunninghamia lanceolate ( Lamb.) 在分析杉木16个群体的自由授粉种子胚乳蛋白质24个同功酶基因位点遗传多态性的基础上,进一步估计了遗传多态性与多基因位点之间的关系。
By using open-pollinated maize population as experimenting materials, a comparative study was made and results showed that, primer kinds, annealing temperatures and concentrations of primer, dNTPS, Mg  ̄(++), buffer and Taq polymerase were all factors affecting RAPD pattern. 以玉米开放群体为试材,对引物种类,复性温度,引物、dNTPS、Mg++、缓冲液、Taq聚合酶浓度等因素对RAPD带型的影响进行了比较研究。
Male-sterile, partially male-sterile and male-fertile plants were obtained from progenies of open-pollinated male sterile plants. 雄性不孕植株自然杂交后代,出现完全雄性不孕、部分雄性不孕与正常孕性植株。