Salvage operations have been greatly assisted by the good weather conditions. 天公作美,这大大促进了救援行动的顺利进行。
Hospitals lack even basic drugs for surgical operations. 医院连最基本的外科手术药物也没有。
Remington's operations in Japan are now in the black 雷明顿在日本的业务现在有盈利。
Governments do, however, have a vital catalytic role in orchestrating rescue operations. 然而,政府在组织协调救援行动上确实发挥了重要的促进作用。
In the mass production era multinational firms tended to centralize their operations 在大规模生产的时代,跨国公司往往实行集权化经营。
The waste disposal industry is finding it difficult to convince the public that its operations are safe. 废物处理行业发现很难让公众相信其操作是安全的。
They said they could not provide adequate air cover for ground operations. 他们声称无法为地面军事行动提供充分的空中掩护。
Desirous of knowing something about the operations, I stood and watched the spectacle 因为非常希望了解那些行动的情况,我就站着观看那场面。
Christopher will direct day-to-day operations. 克里斯托弗将管理日常的运营。
Surgical waiting lists were reduced by the simple expedient of striking off all patients awaiting varicose vein operations 采取了将所有等待进行静脉曲张手术的病人从名单上删除的简单做法,这一权宜之计使得外科手术等待名单得以缩减。
We can take advantage of new technology more quickly by farming out computer operations 把计算机业务分包出去,我们就可以更快地利用新技术。
The earliest operations employing this technique were fraught with dangers. 最早使用这种技术的手术充满了危险。
The bad weather hampered rescue operations 恶劣的天气阻碍了救援工作的进行。
Managers have at last got it into their heads that they can no longer accept inefficient operations. 管理者们终于意识到自己不能再安于低效率的运营了。
Lufthansa had originally planned to hive off its domestic operations into a subsidiary, Lufthansa Express. 汉莎航空公司本来计划将其国内业务分立出去,成立一个子公司“汉莎运通”。
The indisputable fact is that computers carry out logical operations. 不容置疑的事实是,电脑执行逻辑操作指令。
The operations can be quite involved, requiring many procedures. 手术可能非常复杂,需要对多处进行手术。
The bank had sufficient liquid assets to continue operations. 这家银行有充足的流动资产来维持经营。
The company closed down operations and began liquidating its assets in January. 公司停止了各项业务,于1月份开始变卖资产。
Meshing the research and marketing operations will be Mr. Furlaud's job. 把研究与市场运作紧密结合起来将成为弗劳德先生的工作任务。
Research and marketing operations will be Mr. Furlaud's job as president of the new company. 作为新公司的总裁,弗劳德先生将负责调研和市场运作。
All transport operations, whether by sea, rail or road, are closely monitored at all times. 所有的交通活动,无论是通过海路、铁路还是公路,都时刻受到密切监视。
Even small operations can leave you feeling a bit shaky 即使是小手术也会让你有点战战兢兢。
That's John Gibb, operations chief for New York Emergency Management 那个人是约翰·吉布,纽约应急管理办公室的行动总指挥官。
There was no danger of transmitting the infection through operations. 不存在通过手术传播这种传染病的风险。
The company has to make its accounts and operations as transparent as possible. 公司必须使其账目与运作尽可能地清晰透明。
She'd undergone 13 operations, including a tummy tuck. 她已经做了13次手术,包括一次腹部瘦身整形手术。
Being removed from his post during operations is the ultimate humiliation for a ship's captain. 在执行任务的过程中被免职,这对一位船长来说是莫大的耻辱。
The troops for the landing were taken from Alexander's force and that put a brake on his operations. 登陆部队是从亚历山大将军的兵力中抽调出来的,这就削弱了他的军事力量。