Gastropods having the gills when present posterior to the heart and having no operculum: includes sea slugs; sea butterflies; sea hares. 腹足动物,有鳃,位于心脏后面,无鳃盖;包含海蛞蝓;海蝴蝶;海兔。
An alternative treatment involving removal of the operculum, called operculectomy, has been advocated. 也有人主张另一种可供选择的治疗方法就是只移除盲袋的龈盖去除术。
A screw gear type differential mechanism includes a differential carrier, an operculum, a main reducing gear driven gear, left and right half axis gears, etc. 本螺旋齿轮式差速器,包括有差速器壳、壳盖,主减速器从动齿轮,左右各一个半轴齿轮等。
Gently hold the male on his back with one hand to expose his underside, and with the other hand, simultaneously squeeze his body in a direction from behind the operculum to the gonopodial area. 轻轻的用一只手抓住公鱼并且让它肚皮朝上,同时用另一只手顺着一个方向从鱼鳃后部到肛门处挤压。
Cells in the right parietal operculum operate as we act in response to other's gestures. 当我们对他人的手势作出反应时,起作用的是我们右顶骨的细胞。
The contact between the operculum and the shell appears to be uneven but not indented. 卵盖与卵壳连接处虽不很整齐,但并不呈锯齿状。
Results The activation areas were found in bilateral or unilateral motor cortex, somatosensory cortex, prefrontal cortex, temporal cortex, premotor cortex, insula, frontal operculum, basal ganglia ( putamen), parietal cortex and cingulate. 结果实验组10名受试者在单侧或双侧的运动皮层、感觉皮层、前额叶皮层、颞叶皮层、前运动皮层、脑岛、额盖、基底神经节壳核、顶叶皮层及扣带回等区域有明显激活。
The shapes of the frontal operculum were divided into 6 types. This area tended to be larger on the left than on the right side though the difference was not statistically significant. 额岛盖区的形态可分为6型,其表面积是左侧大于右侧,但无显著性差异。
There were notable differences in six targets ( egg width, egg lid height, the thickness of side wall and end wall, thorn length and width)( P < 0.01). The contact between the operculum and the shell appears to be uneven but not indented. 另6项指标(虫卵宽径、卵盖高度、卵壳侧壁厚度、卵壳末端厚度、小棘的长径和宽径)相比差异有高度显著性(P<0.01)。
Methods In indoor immersing experimentation, the experiments were divided into 4 groups, 30 snails in each group, to observe the rate of opening operculum, the rate of climbing adhersion and the rate of death at 3, 6 and 24 hours respectively. 方法室内浸泡试验,试验分为4组,每组30只钉螺。分别于3、6、24h观察钉螺开厣率和上爬附壁率和死亡率。
Results of cytological analysis indicated that forming of sporopollenin lamella was defected during pollen development, which leads to abnormal pollen operculum. 细胞学分析的结果显示ms121在花粉壁发育的过程中,萌发孔的孢粉素片层的形成出现异常,导致花粉粒萌发孔的塞子无法正常形成。
A Study on the Operculum of Marine Gastropoda in the North Part of China 中国北方海产腹足类厣的研究
Each ascus has a operculum of long tube form and 8 ascospores inside, its external wall has also reticular veins. 子囊顶端有壶盖形的囊盖,呈长圆筒形,外壁也具网状皱纹,内含8个单列的椭圆形或长椭圆形的子囊孢子。
The course, from its fertilized egg stage to operculum completely closed stage, may be divided into 24 stages, which totally take about 230 hours. 自受精卵期至鳃盖完成期共分24时期。
Micropylar collar and operculum are absent in micropylar region. 珠孔区无珠孔领与孔盖的分化;
Animal experiments have found that the non-human primates, premotor cortex, sensorimotor area, frontal, parietal and temple operculum, orbitofrontal cortex and cingulate cortex are associated with swallowing function. 动物实验发现,非人灵长目动物的运动前区皮质、感觉运动区、额叶、顶叶、颞叶岛盖、眶额皮质和扣带回皮质与吞咽功能相关。
The results showed that during perception of disgust facial expressions, brain activation exists mainly in the insula, frontal operculum, fusiform gyrus, parietal gyrus, orbitofrontal cortex, temporal cortex, and occipital gyrus. 结果发现厌恶面孔图片主要激活了脑岛、额叶岛盖、梭状回、顶叶、眶额叶下部、颞叶和枕叶这些区域。