An ophthalmoscope with a layer of water to neutralize the refraction of the cornea. 压制角膜折射的带有水层的检眼镜。
This paper introduces the feature of binocular indirect ophthalmoscope and its application in ophthalmologic examination and operation. 摘要介绍了双目间接检眼镜的特点及其在眼科检查和手术2方面的应用。
The diagnosis of ARN was made by clinical symptoms, slit lamp and indirect ophthalmoscope examination. 所有患者均经临床症状、裂隙灯显微镜以及间接检眼镜检查明确临床诊断。
Adaptive optics combined with the ophthalmoscope is a new hope for ophthalmologists and optometrists to obtain a better retinal image. 补偿光学和检眼镜的结合为眼科医生和视光学医师得到清晰的视网膜像带来了新的希望。
The diagnosis only requires an instrument called an ophthalmoscope, which is commonly used in Africa for studying eye disease. 诊断这种疾病只需要一种称作检眼镜的仪器。在非洲,这是一种检查眼科疾病的常用仪器。
In this system, called an adaptive optics ophthalmoscope, a laser creates a reference point that is used to correct the blurring of the image obtained with a fundus camera. 在这项称之为自适应光学眼底镜的系统中,一束激光创建了参照点,用以修正眼底摄影机所获图像的模糊现象。
Today the fundus camera is commonly replaced by a second laser for imaging, which is known as an adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscope. 今天的眼底摄影机成像通常让飞秒激光代劳,此即自适应光学扫描激光眼底镜。
Retinal detachment surgery without cryotherapy under microscope and indirect ophthalmoscope 在显微镜下联合间接眼底镜行视网膜脱离非凝固手术
A veterinarian uses an ophthalmoscope to see within the eye chamber. 一个兽医使用眼底镜看到眼内室。
Results All samples were normal by ophthalmoscope examination while no pathological change of retina was found at various time points. 结果:各组实验样本检眼镜检查在各个时间均正常,未发现视网膜有任何病理改变。
The first step is training HIV/ AIDS doctors to use an instrument called an indirect ophthalmoscope, a fast, cheap method that eliminates the need for special eye tests. 第一步的措施是培训治疗艾滋病的医生使用一种称为间接检眼镜的仪器。这是一种迅速廉价的技术,让特殊的眼睛检查变得不再必要。
Examination and management of retinopathy of premature infants using imaging technology of indirect ophthalmoscope Do not view the sun with this binocular or even with naked eye. 间接检眼镜眼底成像技术下的早产儿视网膜病变检查请勿使用此双目镜/双筒望远镜或裸眼直视太阳。
Objective: To observe the effect of cryosurgery for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment ( RRD) by using binocular indirect ophthalmoscope. 目的:探讨在双目间接检眼镜直视下冷凝治疗孔源性视网膜脱离的疗效。
Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of panoramic 200 scanning laser ophthalmoscope for retinal detachment. 目的利用免散瞳广角激光检眼镜(全景200检眼镜)获取眼图像,评价单独通过全景200眼底图像对视网膜脱离作出诊断的准确性。
Objective To investigate the surgical method and clinical effect of surgery for primary retinal detachment under indirect ophthalmoscope with no hand-held condensing lens. 目的探讨无手持聚光透镜间接检眼镜下进行原发性(孔源性)视网膜脱离复位手术的方法及其效果。
Methods: Analysis was performed on 48 cases checked by way of ophthalmoscope and slit lamp microscope retrospectively. 方法:对48只眼玻璃体积血的超声图像进行回顾性分析、研究。所有患眼出血情况有检眼镜和裂隙灯检查确定。
Use of binocular indirect ophthalmoscope in scleral buckling surgery 双目间接检眼镜在巩膜扣带术中的应用
Posterior Segment Vitreous Surgery with Binocular Indirect Ophthalmoscope 双目间接检眼镜在后段玻璃体手术中的应用
METHOD: Indirect ophthalmoscope was used in treatment of 21 cases of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. 方法:分析20例(21眼)孔源性视网膜脱离在双目间接检眼镜直视下手术治疗的临床效果,裂孔定位,冷凝,硅海绵外加压及环扎带。
All experimental eyes were examined by slit-lamp 、 biomicroscopy 、 indirect ophthalmoscope 、 B-scan and electroretinography. 这期间,实验眼通过裂隙灯、双目间接检眼镜、ERG和B超观察。
Retinal injury produced by indirect ophthalmoscope in human eye 间接检眼镜照射对人眼视网膜的损伤
Methods: Indirect ophthalmoscope and three mirror contact lens were used to exam the retina. 方法:用间接眼底镜及三面镜检查眼底视网膜。
A scanning laser ophthalmoscope ( SLO) image is involved and the function and character of scotometry are analyzed. 这一方法需要从激光扫描检眼镜(SLO)中获得视网膜图像并对盲点特性进行分析。
Fundus examinataion: The retina and retinal vessels of the eyes were observed by ophthalmoscope, fundus color photography and fundus fluorescein angiography at each time spot. 检查方法和观察指标:每只眼术前及术后各个观察时相点均采用眼底镜检查、眼底照相及荧光素眼底血管造影(FFA),观察实验组和对照组眼底视网膜血管和视网膜本身的变化。
CONCLUSIONS: Indirect ophthalmoscope made reattachment surgery of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment easy, and enhanced the reattachment rate. 结论:双目间接检眼镜下行孔源性视网膜脱离手术,具有较高的照明度,较宽较清晰的立体视野,直视下进行裂孔冷凝封闭,提高了裂孔检查及手术的成功率,手术效果良好。
Retinal detachment surgery under microscope and ophthalmoscope: A clinical comparative study 显微镜下视网膜脱离复位手术与直接检眼镜下手术的临床比较
Most of ocular fundus diseases can be diagnosed correctly by binocular indirect ophthalmoscope. 在双目间接检眼镜下,大多数眼底疾病可以得到正确的诊断。
Accurate tears localization with binocular indirect ophthalmoscope can increase successful rate. 应用间接检眼镜直视下手术可大大提高手术成功率。
According to the requirements of clinical fundus examination, the portable and digital ophthalmoscope based on traditional direct ophthalmoscope and fundus camera was designed. 本文根据临床眼底检查要求,在传统直接检眼镜和眼底照相机基础上,设计了便携式数字检眼镜。