Dr. Good found that her surgery patients took fewer opioids drugs when they listened to music. Good博士发现当手术患者听了音乐后会减少服用镇痛药。
Some drugs, like alcohol and opioids cause the pupils to constrict. Others, like amphetamine, cocaine, LSD and mescaline cause them to dilate. 酒精和鸦片有缩瞳作用,其他的,比如安非他明、可卡因、LSD以及墨斯卡灵,都有扩瞳的作用。
The findings suggest that opioids might be the critical chemicals that enables human brains to distinguish between strangers and people who are closer to us, such as friends, families and lovers. 研究表明,阿片类物质可能作为一种非常重要的化学物质,帮助人类大脑区别陌生人以及关系亲密的人,诸如朋友、家人和恋人。
If opioids are blocked in monkeys, they groom others less and neglect their babies. 倘若猴子脑内的阿片类物质被抑制分泌,它们梳理其他同类毛发的次数减少,也不再看护自己的小孩。
When the researchers compared the men's scans, they noticed that gentle stroking caused a drop in natural opioids in brain areas called the ventral striatum and the anterior cingulate cortex, which are mainstays of the brain's reward circuitry. 当研究人员对比两次扫描结果后发现,轻柔的抚摸导致大脑内部腹侧纹状体与前扣带脑皮质分泌自然阿片类物质,而二者正是大脑奖励回路机制的重要区域。
To see whether opioids were important in human bonding, the researchers invited nine couples into the lab. The men stripped off to their underpants and lay under a blanket in a PET scanner. 为了研究阿片类物质对于人类关系是否具有重要的作用,研究人员邀请了九对伴侣参加实验。所有男性要求脱去衣物,只保留内衣,然后让他们平躺在正子扫描仪下,盖上毛毯。
Studies in animals have shown that opioids can play a crucial role in pairing up. 动物实验中发现,阿片类物质将在两性关系中起到至关重要的作用。
Opiate drugs have the same effect as the body's natural opioids, and just as people build up tolerances to drugs, develop cravings, and suffer withdrawal symptoms, similar processes play out with relationships. 阿片类药物与人体分泌的自然阿片类物质有着相同的效果,就像人体对药物产生的耐药性曲线一样,会遭遇脱稳状态(withdrawalsymptoms),人类的关系也会经历相同的过程。
Advances in Effects of Opioids and Opioid Receptors on Immune System 阿片及其受体对免疫系统影响的研究进展
These include endogenous opioids such as endorphins and enkephalins, calcitonin gene-related peptide, cholecystokinin, neuropeptide Y, nociceptin, and vasoactive intestinal peptide. 这些物质包括内源(性)类罂粟碱如内啡肽和脑啡肽、降血钙素、降钙素基因相关肽、缩胆囊肽、神经肽Y、痛敏肽和血管活性肠肽等。
The Clinical Study on Effects of Opioids on Survive for Advanced Cancer Patients with Moderate to Sever Pain 阿片类药物对晚期中重度癌痛患者生存影响的临床研究
They display the pharmacological actions of analgesia and sedation by acting on the opioids receptors internal. 它们通过激动体内的阿片受体发挥镇痛、镇静等药理学作用。
Following some surgical procedures, patients may experience significant postoperative pain that cannot be readily controlled with oral opioids. 一些手术后,病人会有口服阿片类药物不能控制的术后疼痛。
This research suggests that kappa opioids should be prescribed for women whenever pain medication is required, whereas men should be given other kinds of pain medication. 这一研究说明当需要止痛药时,应该给女性服用卡帕麻醉药,而应该给男性服用其他的止痛药。
Easy access to opioids – morphine and related drugs – is essential for control of pain. 容易获取阿片类药物(吗啡和相关药物)对疼痛控制至关重要。
Virtual reality may eventually help to reduce reliance on opioids and allow more aggressive wound care and physical therapy, which would speed up recovery and cut medical costs. 最终,也许虚拟实境有助于减低患者对类鸦片药物的依赖,因而可以实施更积极的伤口处理与物理治疗方法,以加快恢复的速度,并降低医疗费用。
A retrospective analysis of high-dose opioids analgesics management for cancer pain 大剂量阿片类药物治疗癌性疼痛回顾性分析
There are a variety of drug classes used to treat neuropathic pain including antidepressants, anticonvulsants, opioids, et. 有许多药物用于治疗神经病理性疼痛,包括抗抑郁药、抗惊厥药、阿片类药等。
It's classified as non-narcotic analgesic because its mechanism different from opioids, or opium-based medicines. 还有一种是麻醉性止痛药,以吗啡、杜冷丁等阿片类药为代表。
Remember those natural endogenous opioids produced by healthy bodies& the ones Marx never knew existed? As a depressed teenager, I became addicted to them. 还记得那些马克思不认识的自然内生阿片吗?在我还是一位十来岁的抑郁少年时就对它们上了瘾。
Opioids are a family of chemicals with actions similar to those of morphine; however, opioids exist naturally in the brain and have been linked to feelings of pleasure and euphoria. 阿片样物质在产生刺激的同类化学药品吗啡在药效上是类似的,然而,阿片样物质在大脑中是自然存在的,它能使人感到感情上的愉悦和快乐。
In the PACU, careful titration of small intravenous doses of opioids can safely provide satisfactory analgesia. 在PACU病人精确静脉给阿片类药物可以安全的达到满意的镇痛。
Doctors prescribe morphine for pain relief, but opioids come with the potential for addiction or abuse. 医生开处方用吗啡止痛,但是阿片类药物有成瘾和滥用的潜在作用。
Further studies are needed on opioids, N-methyl-D-aspartate antagonists, and ion channel blockers. 阿片类药物、N-甲基-D-天(门)冬氨酸拮抗剂和离子通道阻滞剂的疗效还有待研究。
Objective: To investigate whether preoperative pain sensitivity predict patients, stress response and opioids consumption during anesthetic intubation and skin incision. 目的:探讨全麻患者术前疼痛敏感度与气管插管、切皮应激反应的相关性,为全身麻醉的个体化用药提供参考。
Objective: To study the efficacy of buprenorphine on opioids dependence treatment. 目的:探讨丁丙诺啡对阿片类药物依赖的治疗作用。
Endogenous opioids, which are naturally produced by the brain in small amounts and play a key role in the relief of pain and anxiety, have been implicated in placebo analgesia. 阿片类物质,它是由大脑自然产生的,小剂量安慰剂。但是却扮演一个重要角色:可以减轻痛苦,焦虑。充当安慰剂,抑制疼痛。
Opioids are the main abused substances studied. 研究的滥用物质主要是阿片类。
Antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and opioids remain first-line treatment. All of these drugs have significant CNS side effects. 抗抑郁药、抗惊厥药和阿片类药物仍然是一线药物,但都存在严重的中枢神经副作用。