Clinical manifestations are the sudden onset of the disease, quick spreading and the typical position of opisthotonus of the dead birds. 临床上表现为发病突然,传播迅速,死后呈典型的角弓反张姿态;
Opisthotonus following intravenous anesthesia with propofol in 2 cases 丙泊酚静脉麻醉术后出现角弓反张2例
Clinical features include bilateral pigmentary degeneration of the retina, optic atrophy and progressive dementia, and lay in bed after several years with convulsive seizure, opisthotonus, limb rigidity, hyperreflexia, pyramidal sign positive; 主要表现为视网膜色素变性、视神经萎缩、进行性痴呆,数年后完全卧床,伴有抽搐发作,角弓反张、肢体强直、反射亢进,和双侧病理征阳性;