The results indicated that opsonization of rat sperm by rabbit anti-rat sperm antibodies increases both the percentage of phagocytosis and phagocytic index apparently. 结果表明,抗精子抗体能调理大鼠巨噬细胞吞噬大鼠精子;在抗体介导下吞噬百分率和吞噬指数均明显增加。
To observe the opsonization of medicined diet on immune dysfunction in severely burned rats; 观察药膳饮食对严重烫伤大鼠免疫功能紊乱的调理作用;
Non-specific results in assisted examinations; a semiquantitative assay for non-specific opsonization of sera from normal adults and patients with fulminant and subacute liver failure 辅助检查缺乏特异性;重症肝炎患者血清非特异调理功能的测定&介绍用~3H-UdR掺入半定量测定法
To investigate the possible mechanism of the opsonization of immune dysfunction of severely burned rats and the available methods to improve immunological function after burned. 探讨严重烫伤大鼠免疫功能紊乱调理的可能机制及改善烧伤后机体免疫功能紊乱的有效方法。
Most of collectins are secreted proteins, playing an important role in immunological defence through aggregation, complement activation, opsonization, activation of phagocytosis, and inhibition of microbial growth, and so on. 已发现的胶原样凝集素多数为分泌蛋白,是固有免疫的重要分子,它们通过凝集病原微生物、激活补体、调理作用、激活吞噬作用和抑制病原生长等参与机体的免疫防御反应。