Synthesis and Optoelectronic Properties of Poly-fluorene Derivatives Containing OPV Segments and Porphyrin Compound 含OPV链段和卟啉化合物的聚芴衍生物的合成与光电性能研究
ObjectiveTo evaluate the mucosal immune effect against poliovirus in Rhesus monkeys induced by OPV. 目的评价OPV诱导恒河猴黏膜免疫应答效果。
The need for additional rounds of mass oral polio vaccine ( OPV) immunization will be based on an ongoing evaluation of epidemiological and laboratory data. 是否有必要进行更多轮次的口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗大规模免疫接种活动,将以正在进行的流行病学和实验室数据评估情况作为根据。
A: A vaccine-derived poliovirus ( VDPV) is a rare strain of poliovirus, genetically mutated from the strain contained in oral polio vaccine ( OPV). 答:疫苗衍生脊髓灰质炎病毒(VDPV)是一种罕见的脊髓灰质炎病毒株,由口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗(OPV)里的病毒株遗传变异而来。
Travelers who have in the past received three or more doses of OPV should be offered another dose of polio vaccine before departure. 过去曾获得三剂或更多剂量的口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗接种的旅行者,应在行前再获一次脊髓灰质炎疫苗接种。
High infant immunization coverage with four doses of oral poliovirus vaccine ( OPV) in the first year of life; 婴儿出生头一年服用四剂口服脊灰病毒疫苗(OPV),达到高免疫覆盖率;
The small risk of VDPVs pales in significance to the tremendous public health benefits associated with OPV. 从重要意义上来看,VDPV带来的微小风险与口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗产生的巨大公共卫生相关益处相比黯然失色。
Study on the Immune Effect of Simultaneous Inoculation of Hepatitis B with DTP and OPV 乙型肝炎疫苗与百白破联合制剂、脊髓灰质炎疫苗同时接种的免疫效果研究
Travelers from polio-affected areas should have a full course of vaccination against polio before leaving, with a minimum one dose of OPV before departure. 来自受脊髓灰质炎影响地区的旅行者,应在行前获得脊髓灰质炎疫苗完整程序的接种,出发前至少应获得一剂口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗。
Supplementary doses of OPV to all children under five years of age during SIAs; 在补充免疫活动(SIAs)期间给所有五岁以下儿童服用口服脊灰病毒疫苗补充剂;
Now, our main topics include top illumination OPV device, high open-circuit voltage ( VOC) and high efficiency OPV device, tandem, and bi-functional OPV device. 目前的重点研究课题包含了上入光式有机太阳能电池、高开路电压之有机太阳能电池、串座式以及复合式有机光伏元件。
After being immunized with OPV, 3 types ′ Sabin polioviruses could be isolated from the stool of Rhesus monkeys. 口服OPV后恒河猴粪便中均可分离到3个型的疫苗病毒。
Synthesis and Properties of OPV Pyridinium and Di-8-hydroxyquinoline Derivatives OPV吡啶盐及二联8-羟基喹啉衍生物的合成及性质
In contrast, inactivated poliovirus vaccine ( IPV) can overcome above mentioned shortcomings. 但是仍存在OPV引起的疫苗相关麻痹病例(VAPP)和疫苗衍生株(VDPV),脊髓灰质炎灭活疫苗(IPV)基本可避免OPV上述缺点。
Methods The AFP monitoring system and the data concerning orally administration of OPV vaccines were analyzed. 方法对急性驰缓性麻痹(AFP)病例监测系统和口服脊灰疫苗(OPV)免疫资料进行描述性分析。
Cases with obstinate pregnant vomiting ( OPV) had no significant effect to routine treatment. 3例顽固性妊娠呕吐患者应用常规治疗,效果不显。
The result showed that the method was necessary and feasible. 试验结果表明WHO推荐的OPV热稳定性实验是必要的也是可行的。
VAPP mostly occurred in children 1 year old after one dose of OPV vaccine. 主要发生在1岁儿童,且多为首次服苗后。
The immune effect and interaction of simultaneous inoculation of hepatitis B vaccine with BCG; DTP and OPV were studied. 本文研究了乙型肝炎疫苗与卡介苗、百白破联合制剂、口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗同时接种的免疫效果及相互间干扰情况。
So the work of AFP surveillance and OPV immunization should be strengthened. 今后仍应加强儿童OPV常规免疫,加强AFP病例监测,有计划地开展OPV强化免疫。
Conclusion For consolidating the polio-free, we should raise and keep the higher immunization rate of OPV and keep the sensitivity timeliness and completeness of AFP case surveillance system. 结论为维持无脊灰状态,仍需提高和保持儿童OPV的免疫覆盖率,并保持AFP监测系统的敏感性、及时性、完整性。
Objective: To detect the stabilities of live attenuated oral poliomyelitis vaccine balls stored under-20 ℃. 目的:考察口服脊髓灰质炎减毒活疫苗糖丸(OPV)在-20℃温度下保存的稳定性。
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the quality and efficiency of poliomyelitis vaccine. 目的了解江门市脊髓灰质炎(脊灰)口服活疫苗(OPV)质量及脊灰疫苗免疫效果。
Objective To assess the factors in the detection of infectious titers of oral poliovirus vaccine. 目的探索影响口服脊髓灰质炎减毒活疫苗(OPV)感染性滴度检测的主要因素。
In this thesis, some basic research work is carried out based on OEL and OPV characteristics. 本论文基于此开展了一些探讨性的研究工作。