Objective: To establish the oxygen radical absorbance capacity ( ORAC) assay in assessing the total antioxidative capacity of lens and investigate its application. 前言:目的:建立晶状体抗氧化能力指数的测定方法。
Results: There is a correlation between in vivo and in vitro experimental results of health food by ORAC antioxidant fluorometric determination. 结果:ORAC荧光法测定保健食品抗氧化能力体内体外实验结果存在一定相关性。
Goji berries have one of the highest ORAC ratings of any fruit. 枸杞被列为抗氧化能力指数(ORAC)最高的浆果之一。
It may speculate the in vivo antioxidant results of heath food of the experiment by ORAC fluorometric determination of in vitro antioxidant capacity. 用ORAC荧光法体外测定保健食品抗氧化能力,能够推测用同样方法检测动物体内抗氧化实验的结果。
Conclusion: ORAC assay may be applied to the assessment of total antioxidative capacity, and there is a good relationship between ORAC activity and the contents of GSH and Vitamin C in lens. 结论:ORAC方法可用于测定晶状体的抗氧化能力指数,其活性与晶状体中谷胱甘肽及维生素C含量相关。
A Way for Computer Directly Control ORAC NC Lathe 计算机直接控制ORAC数控车床的一种方法
Results: Compared with the normal group, ORAC activity and the contents of GSH and Vitamin C in lens of hyperglycemic mice decreased remarkably. 结果:与正常组相比,D-半乳糖诱导高血糖模型组小鼠晶状体的抗氧化能力指数、谷胱甘肽及维生素C含量均显著性下降。
Results Restraint stress decreased the ORAC activity and GSH content of the lens compared with the normal mice in a time-dependent manner. 结果随着应激时间的延长,小鼠晶状体的抗氧化能力指数和谷胱甘肽含量与正常组相比均有不同程度下降。
Among the 49 tested compounds, 30 compounds displayed oxygen radical scavenging activity on different levels, most of which showed stronger activity than Vc. 结果表明,进行ORAC活性测试的49个化合物中,有30个化合物显示不同程度的氧自由基清除活性,其中绝大部分的活性都强于VC。
In addition, both ORAC and DPPH method indicated that bilberry extract had good antioxidative capacity in vitro. ( 2) Our experiments showed that 18h restraint stress could induce oxidative stress damage in eyes. DPPH和ORAC两种方法的实验结果都表明欧洲越橘提取物在体外有很好的抗氧化能力。(2)18h拘束应激能诱发昆明种小鼠应激性眼损伤。
According to traditional Chinese medicine theory, classify the common functional food raw materials in accordance with the four properties, five flavors and yin and yang, to observe the different categories of the level of antioxidant activity. 4. 将传统中医理论与现代营养学结合,对常用保健食品原料的ORAC值按照四性、五味和阴阳进行分类,运用统计学方法分析、观察不同类别的原料其ORAC值的高低和差异。