Biochemical and physiological changes of different watermelon cultivars inoculated by Colletotrichum orbiculare 西瓜不同品种苗期人工接种炭疽病菌后的生理生化变化
Conclusion: The possibility of pityrosporum orbiculare infection is increased as the disease course processing. 结论:痤疮病程越长,糠秕孢子菌感染的可能性越大。
Effects of pH, Temperature, NH_4~+ and Salinity on Acetylene Reduction ( Nitrogen Fixation) in Endophytic Diazotrophs from Paspalum orbiculare pH、温度、NH4~+和盐度对圆果雀稗内生固氮菌固氮特性的影响
Investigation on the Relationship between the Course of Acne and Pityrosporum Orbiculare Infection 痤疮病程与圆形糠秕孢子菌感染关系的初步探讨
Study on the Culture of Mycelial Phase of Pityrosporum Orbiculare 圆形糠秕孢子菌菌丝相培养研究