ORBIS doctors have any to get together with their families. ORBIS医生们几乎没有空闲时间与家人团聚。
The patients do not have to pay because ORBIS is a charity. 因为奥比斯是慈善机构,所以病人不需要付费。
The Orbis organization cure people who are blind. 奥比斯组织治疗盲人。
ORBIS uses a flying eye hospital to visit poor countries. 奥比斯用一个飞行的眼科医院,到访那些贫穷的国家。
ORBIS is a charity that helps blind people. 奥比斯是一个帮助盲人的慈善机构。
It is reported that an elderly person had donated all his money to ORBIS before he died. 根据报道一位老人在他死之前已经把他所有的钱都捐献给了ORBIS。
The article gives the presentation of the working principle, composition of the equipment, the method for installation and the key-point for alignment of the Orbis gauge imported from England. 简要介绍了从英国引进测径仪的工作原理、设备组成及其安装方法、调整要领。
After learning from the ORBIS doctors, the local doctors can then help people in their areas. 向ORBIS的医生学习之后,当地的医生们就可以帮助所在地区的人了。
ORBIS Corporation is engaged in designing and manufacturing returnable plastic packaging. 奥比斯公司是一家从事设计和制造可回收塑料包装。
ORBIS aims to provide consulting services for all customer needs – from strategic consulting, organizational consulting, and process consulting to technology consulting and systems integration. ORBIS的目标是根据不同用户的不同需求从战略方面,组织方面,和技术方面提供咨询,并将各个系统统一综合化。
We hope people will support our work by sending donations to ORBIS. 我们希望人们通过向奥比斯捐助支持我们的工作。
Application of ORBIS Diameter measurement System in the High Speed Wire Rod Rolling Mill ORBIS测径系统在高速线材轧机上的应用
The structure, mechanism and software function of a optical rotating bar diameter measurement instrument system ( ORBIS) are analyzed. 从系统结构、工作原理、软件功能等方面分析了旋转式光学线材测径系统。