The ship also will release a satellite that will circle the orbiter and send back images to mission command. 航天器将向太空投放一枚卫星,这枚卫星将环绕航天器飞行,向使命指挥中心发送图像。
State broadcaster CCTV showed live images of Zhigang as he floated out of the orbiter module's hatch. 国家广播公司CCTV直播了志刚在舱外行走的图像。
Only one will actually leave the orbiter module to retrieve scientific experiments placed outside. 只有一个人将实实在在的离开卫星舱在太空中进行实验。
Chang'e1 Lunar orbiter will achieve the ancient dream of the Chinese. “嫦娥1号”将完成的,是中国人的一个古老的梦想。
As expected, the Rosetta orbiter moved out of the line of sight of Philae, breaking radio communications. 正如预期的那样,罗塞塔轨道飞行器移动到菲莱的联系范围之外,无线电通信中断了。
Concerns about additional delays prompted NASA to bump the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter from Kennedy Space Center's launch schedule to give Endeavour a second chance to launch, on Wednesday. 对于额外延迟的担心促使美国国家航空和航天管理局挤掉月球侦察卫星从肯尼迪航天中心发射的计划,给“奋进号”在星期三发射的第二次机会。
The lander would send this information to the orbiter and then back to Earth. 着陆器把这些信息发往轨道飞行器,然后再发回地球。
The orbiter lifts off vertically like an expendable launch vehicle But makes an unpowered descent similar to a glider. 飞行器像可耗尽的发动工具一样垂直发射升空,但以类似滑翔机的无动力方式降落。
The Mars Climate Orbiter apparently burned up as it was about to go into orbit around the Red Planet. 火星气候轨道器在即将进入红色星球轨道时发生了燃烧。
In December 1978, the Pioneer Venus 1 probe and orbiter measured argon isotopes in the atmosphere of Venus. 1978年12月,金星先驱者1号探测器和轨道飞行器,测定了金星大气层中的氩同位素。
Attaching the reliant space orbiter to the rockets and fuel tank. 把罗宾飞船连接到火箭和燃料箱上。
The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera is providing high-resolution images of permanently shadowed regions while lighting conditions change as the moon's south pole enters lunar summer. 月球侦察轨道器相机提供高永久阴暗区域高分辨率图像,而光照条件的月球南极的变化月球进入夏季。
View of Valles Marineris, using wide-angle imagery from NASA's Viking orbiters and the Mars Orbiter Camera. 查看水手谷,利用美国宇航局的海盗号轨道器和火星轨道器照相机广角图像。
NASA is using the Deep Space Network and the Mars Odyssey orbiter to listen if the rover reawakens. 美国航空航天局正在操作深宇宙通信收集和火星奥德赛号轨道翱翔器听取漫游者是否被再次叫醒。
Nasa's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has used its Diviner instrument to probe the insides of permanently shadowed craters on Earth's satellite. 美国宇航局的月球勘测轨道飞行器利用“占卜者”仪器探测永久阴影环形山的底部世界。
And study of the pictures produced by this year's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter will allow scientists to build a history of asteroid bombardment of the inner solar system. 而今年对月亮观测卫星拍到的图像的研究允许科学家们描绘出太阳系内小行星爆炸的历史痕迹。
This discovery, made by the ESA-ISRO instrument SARA onboard the Indian Chandrayaan-1 lunar orbiter, confirms how water is likely being created on the lunar surface. 这一发现是由欧洲空间局(ESA)与印度空间研究机构(ISRO)搭载在印度的月船1号月球轨道探测器上的SARA仪器作出的,它证实了月球表面产生水分的可能机制。
His team used the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars ( CRISM) and other instruments on board NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter to look at colors in reflected sunlight. 他的团队使用火星侦察影像频谱仪和其他工具登陆火星侦查轨道,观察火星上因太阳反射而产生的颜色。
Early Sunday, China successfully launched its eighth orbiter of the Beidou system. 周日清晨,中国成功发射第八颗北斗导航卫星。
The latest findings were based on satellite images taken by Nasa's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. 最新的发现以美国航空和宇宙航行局的火星探测卫星拍摄的卫星图像为基础。
Two years later NASA lost the Mars Climate Orbiter and the Mars Polar Lander. 两年后,NASA折损了火星气象卫星和火星极地登陆者号。
A major exception, the space shuttle orbiter, uses three onboard liquid-fuel main engines supplied by a disposable external tank and a pair of solid-fuel boosters to reach space. 一个主要的例外是航天飞机轨道飞行器,它使用三个随之携带的液体燃料的重要引擎到达宇宙,而这又是由一个可任意使用的外部箱和一对固体燃料后援器来供给的。
Last month, the Space Shuttle orbiter Atlantis visited the ISS and added components that included the Columbus Science Laboratory. 上月,亚特兰蒂斯号航天飞机造访了国际空间站,并为其增加了组建,其中包括哥伦布科学实验室。
The orbiter will continue to explore Saturn and its moons for four more year. 人造卫星会在后四年继续探索土星及它的卫星。
The lunar orbiter will map the moon's surface from orbit in unsurpassed resolution, capturing even the tracks that lunar rovers left behind. 月球轨道器将从轨道上以非常高的清晰度绘制月球表面的地图,甚至捕捉到月球车留下的痕迹。
When the orbiter returns from space, it lands at Kennedy Space Center. 当轨道器从外太空返回地球时,它在肯尼迪航天中心着陆。
At first, mission controllers said they were fairly certain that none of the insulation had struck the orbiter. 飞行控制人员起先说,他们相当肯定绝热材料没有打到飞机。
The orbiter named Chang'e after a Chinese Goddess is expected to spend a year analyzing the moon surface. 这颗以中国女神嫦娥命名的人造卫星预计要花费一年的时间分析月球表面。
China to launch fifth orbiter for its own'GPS '. 我国近日将择机发射第五颗北斗导航卫星。
The launch had to be postponed earlier this month because of the failed launch of an experimental orbiter. 发射不得不推迟本月早些时候由于实验卫星发射失败。