The team noticed that an area of the brain, known as the orbitofrontal cortex or OFC, switched off when the women climaxed. 这个研究小组注意到,女性在经历性高潮时,她们大脑中被称为眼窝前额皮质的区域突然变得不活跃了。
Conclusions: The uncus of hippocampus, lateral medial nucleus of thalamus and orbitofrontal gyrus are the olfactory centre and important tract. 结论:1.本研究进一步验证了海马回钩、丘脑内侧背核、眶额回为嗅觉中枢及其重要通路。
Lesions to the Orbitofrontal Cortex Produce the Novelty-Seeking Behavior Deficits in Rats 大鼠眶额叶皮质受损破坏新异性探索行为
Experiments have shown that the medial orbitofrontal cortex processes the experience of enjoyment from smells, taste and music. 实验表明,眼窝前额皮质(介质)处理享受嗅觉、味觉和音乐的体验。
He looked in particular at the activity of the medial orbitofrontal cortex. 他尤其关注内侧眶皮层的活动。
Objective To investigate the influence of injury of prefrontal cortex on the risk-taking decision-making and to test the hypothesis that the orbitofrontal area is involved in the special network of risk-taking decision-making. 目的探讨前额叶眶部(OBF)和背外侧(DLF)损伤对风险决策认知加工的影响,验证OBF参与风险决策认知加工过程的假说。
Results The swallowing center was distributed in lateral of motor and sensory center, insular, anterior cingulated gyrus, premotor region, orbitofrontal cortex and cerebellum. 结果正常受试者吞咽动作的激活部位位于感觉运动皮质外侧、岛叶、扣带回前部、运动前区,眶额皮质、小脑。
The uncus of hippocampus, lateral medial nucleus of thalamus and orbitofrontal gyrus are further proved the olfactory centers and important pathways, and presented dominant in the right hemisphere. 本研究进一步验证了海马回钩、丘脑内侧背核和眶额回为嗅觉中枢及其重要通路,并且右侧大脑半球为嗅觉优势半球;
Epileptogenic zones were localized in supplementary motor area in 2 cases, mesial frontal gyrus in 4 cases, cingulate gyrus in 2 cases, frontal pole and orbitofrontal cortex in 1 case respectively. 致痫灶位于辅助运动区2例,内侧额回4例,额极1例,眶额区1例,扣带回1例,扣带回及额上回1例。
Results: Activation was present in the olfactory centre and important tract during administration of pleasant and unpleasant odors., such as uncus of hippocampus ( BA 28), lateral medial nucleus of thalamus and orbitofrontal gyrus ( BA11, BA47). 结果:愉快及不愉快气体刺激均激活嗅觉中枢及相关的重要通路:海马回钩(BA28)、丘脑内侧背核、眶额回皮质(BA11,BA47)均出现明显激活。
Animal experiments have found that the non-human primates, premotor cortex, sensorimotor area, frontal, parietal and temple operculum, orbitofrontal cortex and cingulate cortex are associated with swallowing function. 动物实验发现,非人灵长目动物的运动前区皮质、感觉运动区、额叶、顶叶、颞叶岛盖、眶额皮质和扣带回皮质与吞咽功能相关。
Methods Patients with lesion in orbitofrontal, patients with lesion in dorsolateral prefrontal and healthy controls were administered with a neuropsychological battery for social cognition, including basic emotion recognition from eye area and risk-taking task. 方法采用社会信息感知(眼区情绪识别)以及社会问题解决(风险决策)任务,对前额叶眶额部和背外侧损伤患者以及健康对照组的社会认知进行研究。
However, because of no resection of eyelid skin, there are many drawbacks: narrow applicable range because that this approach can not deal with flabby lower eyelid skin, orbicular muscle, orbitofrontal diaphragm simultaneously. 但由于不切除下睑皮肤,也存在不少缺点,如不能同时处理松弛的下睑皮肤、轮匝肌、眶隔膜,故适用范围小。
The results showed that during perception of disgust facial expressions, brain activation exists mainly in the insula, frontal operculum, fusiform gyrus, parietal gyrus, orbitofrontal cortex, temporal cortex, and occipital gyrus. 结果发现厌恶面孔图片主要激活了脑岛、额叶岛盖、梭状回、顶叶、眶额叶下部、颞叶和枕叶这些区域。
But activation at left medial orbitofrontal lobe, right amygdala, bilateral hippocampi and anterior cingulate gyri was different in the 2 tasks ( P0.01). 但两种任务中在左内侧眶额回、右侧杏仁体、双侧海马和前扣带回区域的激活有差异(P<0.01)。