Objective To investigate the nursing method for patients of orbital tumor around lateral orbitotomy. 目的探讨眼眶肿瘤外侧开眶术围手术期护理及心理护理的方法。
To make an indications and operative skill for common orbitotomy, with the guidance of Image Examinations. 探讨常见眼眶病变的影像学检查特征及在影像学检查的提示下,眼眶手术常用入路的选择及手术技巧。
To make an indications and operative skill for common orbitotomy. 目的:探讨眼眶手术常用入路的适应证及手术技巧。
Retrobulbar hemorrhage: Inferolateral anterior orbitotomy for emergent management 眼球后出血:前下侧部眼眶切开术可以作为紧急处理的手段
The clinical study of lateral orbitotomy 外侧开眶术的临床疗效观察
Nursing of patients undergoing cavernous hemangiomas extraction by lateral orbitotomy Nursing of patients undergoing retroperitoneal nephrectomy 外侧开眶海绵状血管瘤摘除术患者的护理后腹膜腔镜肾切除患者的护理
The Clinical Assessment of Lateral Orbitotomy by Kr(?) nlein-Berke in Surgical Treatment of Intraorbital Tumors 外侧开眶术治疗眼眶内肿瘤的临床分析
Objective To evaluate the advantages and lacks of treatment of retrobulbar tumor with transcranial orbitotomy. 目的探讨球后肿瘤经颅眶入路切除的优势和不足。