The effects of orchectomy and endogenous T and E2 on cognitive function in older men with and without MCI, AD, vascular dementia ( VaD), and if there are any differences among them. 是否与认知损伤加重有关?(3):老年人睾丸切除术以及内源性T和E2对老年男性、MCI、AD和VaD患者的认知功能有何具体影响?
Bilateral orchectomy was performed and 1 week later testosterone propionate was injected plus either feeding of normal saline ( group B) or feeding of enalapril ( group C). B组在双侧睾丸切除后1周开始皮下注射丙酸睾酮并灌饲生理盐水,C组在双侧睾丸切除术后1周开始皮下注射丙酸睾酮并灌饲依那普利。
Both cases were treated with radical orchectomy and 4-course cycle chemotherapy. 采用睾丸切除术加四疗程联合化疗。