There were also other factors that entered into the orchestration. 管弦乐编曲还要考虑其他因素。
Now take a look at the project and the orchestration to see what you have configured within the wizard. 现在查看一下项目和编排,检查在向导中已经配置的选项。
Orchestration and choreography of Web services workflows are essential parts of ongoing standards definition work at this time. Web服务工作流的编制和编排是目前正在进行的标准定义工作的重要部分。
The event processing functions include validation, enrichment, routing, transformation, orchestration, and pattern detection. 事件处理功能包括验证、充实、路由、转换、编排和模式检测。
On the next panel you can publish the orchestration after successfully testing in a runtime environment. 在下一个面板上,您可以在运行时环境中成功测试后,发布编排。
It provides functions such as service aggregation and orchestration. 它可提供服务聚合和协调等功能。
Business Process Services: This component represents the enterprise-wide business process platform for workflow and business process orchestration. BusinessProcessServices:这个组件是企业范围的业务过程平台,用于组织工作流和业务过程。
In e-business dialogues, this concept of sequence and order is known as choreography or orchestration. 在电子商务对话中,这种顺序和次序的概念称作choreography或chestration。
If you use the Scheduler, then the orchestration is triggered automatically after some time. 如果您使用调度器,那么编排会在一段时间后被自动触发。
They are typically key decision makers for solutions involving Web services management, orchestration, and Enterprise Service Bus. 他们通常是涉及到Web服务管理、编排和企业服务总线的解决方案的主要决策者。
At the data services orchestration tier, caching is supported by a specialized data caching service. 在数据服务编排层,缓存由专门的数据缓存服务提供支持。
Assembly will provide orchestration of third-party and enterprise owned services. 组装将对第三方服务和企业自有服务进行编排。
Orchestration of Web services reflects workflow's automation roots. Web服务的编制反映了工作流的自动化根。
After successfully testing the orchestration in WebSphere Cast Iron Studio, you can deploy it to the runtime. 在WebSphereCastIronStudio中成功测试编排后,您可以将其部署到运行环境。
Metadata integration requires higher levels of automation and orchestration than data and content integration. 元数据集成相对数据和内容集成来说,需要更高级别的自动化和编制。
Orchestration and choreography are similar types of composition: loosely-coupled, standards-based ( BPEL). 协调和编排是类似的组合:松散耦合且基于标准(BPEL)。
I mention these rules again because they also apply to the Client Orchestration transaction strategy. 我再次提到了这些规则,因为它们同样适用于客户端编排事务策略。
So orchestration is just one of many aspects of BPM. 所以,编排只是BPM诸多方面中的一个。
Typically seen in BPM tools that model process as an orchestration of services. 尤其常见于BPM工具中以服务编排的方式对流程进行建模。
WS-BPEL is a language for defining processes that can be executed on an orchestration engine. WS-BPEL是一种用来定义可以在一个编制引擎中执行的过程语言。
Insert a new business orchestration page into this document. 在此文档中插入一个新的业务流程页。
Service implementation layer-responsible for orchestration of existing services ( accessible through back-end adaptors) into services required by customers. 服务实现层(Serviceimplementationlayer)&负责将现有的(可通过后端适配器访问的)服务编排成客户所需的服务。
Service orchestration typically deals with long-running and asynchronous invocation of external activities/ services. 服务编制一般流程外部活动/服务的长运行和异步的调用。
He will not rest until all developers have the BPM, workflow and orchestration basics in their repertoire. 在所有开发者的基本工具目录中都能有BPM、工作流和编制基础之前,他是不会休息的。
The diagram is an important instrument for both the BPM modellers and the orchestration developers. 对BPM建模者和编制开发者来说,图表是一个很重要的工具。
Relating to the creation of symphony, Tchaikovsky made development on melody composing, title music and orchestration. 在交响曲创作上,柴科夫斯基在旋律写作、标题音乐、配器方面都有了新的发展。
Service orchestration refers to an executable business process that may interact with both internal and external services. 服务编制涉及一个可执行的业务流程,它可以与内部和外部服务相结合。
The second layer is implemented using AspectJ and provides for orchestration and flow control of the process. 第二层是用AspectJ实现的,提供流程的编排及流控制。
MS: I consider BPEL as an orchestration language. MS:我认为BPEL是一种编配语言。
URI-identified resources, including service descriptions, also provide a basis for defining orchestration/ choreography activities. URI标识的资源,包括服务描述,还提供了定义编制/编排(orchestration/choreography)行为的基础。