Once they have tried growing orchids, they will see there is really nothing to it. 一旦他们试着种植兰花,就会发现那并不是什么难事。
The orchids give out a delicate fragrance. 兰花幽香四溢。
With watering can and clippers, he would potter in his greenhouse among hundreds of varieties of orchids. 若是给他一个浇花壶,再加一把剪子,他就会忘情地泡在自家的花房里,悠游于那数百株品种各异姹紫嫣红的兰花中。
Wild flowers such as orchids and primroses are becoming rare. 兰花和迎春花之类的野花越来越少了。
Genus of small orchids of the northern hemisphere with creeping rhizomes and stalked ovate leaves and small flowers. 北半球的一个兰科植物小属,具匍匐茎,有柄的卵形叶和小的花。
Genus of tropical epiphytic or terrestrial old world orchids; one of the most popular orchid genera. 热带旧大陆一个附生或陆生兰花属;最普遍的兰花属之一。
Genus of tropical American epiphytic orchids with showy racemose flowers. 热带美洲附生兰花的一个属,花美丽,成总状花序。
Genus of tropical American epiphytic or lithophytic rhizomatous orchids. 热带美洲的一个兰花属,附生或石生,地下茎。
The orchids flowered and became hugely fashionable. 这些兰花开了花,后来变得极其流行。
Genus of tropical American terrestrial orchids with large purple or pink flowers. 热带美洲陆生兰花的一个属,花大,紫色或粉色。
Genus of showy tropical African terrestrial orchids. 热带非洲艳丽的陆生兰花的一个属。
Among the species whose names have been'sold'in this way are orchids, frogs, and insects from Bolivia, Madagascar and the Philippines. 其中以这种方式“售卖”名字的物种有玻利维亚、马达加斯加和菲律宾的兰花、青蛙和昆虫。
Large cosmopolitan genus of white-flowered terrestrial orchids. 开白花的陆生兰花的一个世界性大属。
Type genus of the orchid family; hardy terrestrial orchids of the temperate the northern hemisphere. 兰科模式属;北半球温带坚硬陆地生长的一个兰花属。
Genus of Asiatic ans Australian terrestrial orchids. 亚洲及澳大利亚的一个陆生兰花属。
Try these pots of tulips with those potted orchids. 试试这几盆郁金香配上那几盆兰花。
Genus of tropical Old World epiphytic orchids with showy flowers sometimes grotesque. 旧大陆热带地区附生兰花的一个属,有鲜艳有时奇特的花。
Genus of bog orchids of North America and Japan. 一个沼泽生兰属,产于北美及日本。
Large genus of mostly epiphytic or lithophytic central and South American orchids of various sizes. 中南美主要为附生或石生兰花的一个大属,大小不同。
Genus of tropical American orchids. 美洲热带一个兰花属。
Small genus of terrestrial orchids of North America and temperate Eurasia. Many geographers now call this landmass Eurasia. 产于北美及欧亚大陆温带的一个陆生兰花小属。许多地理学家现在把这块陆地叫作欧亚大陆。
Genus of ornamental epiphytic orchids of Asia and Australia. 亚洲和澳大利亚的一个观赏附生兰花属。
In this world of surprise, orchids can not do without insects. 在这个奇妙的世界里,兰花是不能没有昆虫的。
Large diverse genus of tropical Asiatic epiphytic orchids. 亚洲热带附生兰中的一个多样的大属。
Genus of tropical American orchids having showy male and female flowers usually on separate inflorescences. 热带美洲兰花的一个属,有雌雄花分离的艳丽花。
Genus of terrestrial and epiphytic orchids; pantropical to temperate. 陆地或附生兰花的一个属;热带沼泽至温带地区。
You brought me wildflowers and I had orchids. 你给我摘来野花,我就拥有了幽兰;
I grow orchids, chrysanthemums, lilies and cactuses. 我种兰花,菊花,百合花和仙人掌。