I am responsible for all materials arrangement, communicate with relative department in orde to make sure the demand for production if the materials cannot meet production on time. 负责职责范围内的物料安排工作,对不能按时备齐物料的定单要及时与相关部门联系并跟进,确保生产需求;
Notice: The sample data provides the reference only, the power that square reservation data of factory change, be alongside of to be subjected to special orde. 注意:样本数据仅供参考,本公司保留数据变动的权力,并接受特殊订货。
Ssin orde to ensure ordered development of work by Chinese and foreign supervision combo and strengthen communication between Chinese and foreign parties, regular meeting system for work communication between Chinese and foreign parties is specifically formulated combining owner management method. 为规确保中外监理联合体工作有序开展,加强中外双方沟通,结合业主管理办法,特制定中外双方沟通工作例会制度。
Must know that the Orde outstanding lion big aperture is more than one months ago, in that time section, is precisely the manager asks an outrageous price, many foreign aids ask a price nearly double! 要知道,奥德杰狮子大开口是在一个多月前,在那个时间段,正是经纪人漫天要价的时候,许多外援的要价几乎都翻了一番!
Taste: The grape planter in the French Orde area, the sunlight is sufficient. 品鉴:葡萄种植于法国奥德地区,阳光充足。
Therefore, it must check up the frequency components of data before interpretation in orde to guarantee the wave group character of seismic section; 因此,高分辨率地震资料解释须做到:解释前检查资料的频率成分,以保证地震剖面的波组特征;
In orde to satisfy Integrated Modular Avionics, partition is issued in high safe real-time o/ s. 为了满足新一代航空电子系统高度综合化、模块化的要求,在高安全实时操作系统中引入了分区(Partition)的概念。
In orde to improve the navigation capability of Loran C and satellite navigation system. It is necessary to solve time synchronization. 为了提高罗兰C与卫星导航组合系统的导航性能,需要解决系统时间同步。
In orde to study dynamic absorption of nitrogen dioxide gas onto viscose base activated carbon fibers ( ACF), the influence of NO 2 inlet concentration, temperature, gas flow rate, gas humidity and regeneration times on absorption efficiency was investigated. 为探讨粘胶基活性碳纤维(ACF)对NO2气体的动态吸附,考察了NO2浓度、流速、湿度、温度及ACF再生次数对吸附效率的影响。
In orde to elearly represent mesh generation process, we use interactive graphic technique to increase graphics process functions. 本文中采用了交互式图形显示技术,前后置处理结果均可应用相应图形表示。
The attention should be paid to drug choice, dosage and course of treatment for the patients, especially for the patients with hepatorenal insufficiency, the ADR monitoring should be strengthened, and organic function test should be made regularly in orde to prevent the occurrence of drug-induced hepatitis 结论:对病人,尤其肝肾功能不全者,药物的选用、剂量和疗程一定要慎重,并应加强ADR监测和对器官功能作定期检测,以预防药物性肝炎的发生
In orde to resolve the loss problem of state-owned commercial bank, we have to create a favorable external environment, reform the system of property right, develop all-round bank and strengthen financial supervision and management. 要解决国有银行亏损问题,必须为其创造良好外部环境、进行产权制度改革、发展全能银行和加强金融监管。
During engineering English teaching, full advantage of computer and Internet should be taken, in orde to compensate the shortage of reading material in engineering English field and to enlarge the vision of students. 在轮机英语教学中,充分利用计算机、网络现代化的技术手段,弥补教材阅读量的不足,扩大学生的视野。
Two nature opinions and four valuing methods of goodwill are compared respectively, in orde to further justify current accounting conventions for goodwill systematically. 对商誉性质的两种观点和定量估价的四种方法分别进行了比较分析,从而为现行的商誉会计惯例作出了系统的解释和说明。
In orde to make the guidance function of litigation by tempering justice with mercy, we need the criminal procedure to guarantee. 要发挥宽严相济刑事政策对诉讼的指引作用,就必须由程序来保障。