Org matches cause-driven volunteers with organizations that need them. Volunteermatch.org专门为事业驱动型志愿者与需要他们的组织牵线搭桥。
The condition is caused when a database connection pool has a dependency on the Derby ( org. apache. derby/ derby/ jar) or Derbynet ( org. apache. derby/ derbynet/ jar) drivers. 当数据库连接池与Derby(org.apache.derby/derby/或Derbynet(org.apache.derby/derbynet/驱动程序具有依赖性时就会引发此条件。
I can now see that the innermost call to org. apache. axis. client. Call. invoke() is the call that wraps the request processing, including the call to the server. 我现在可以看到对org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke()最内部的调用是包装了请求处理的调用,包括对服务器的调用。
Additionally, the generator creates a new project called "org. example. mysql. ui" which contains the plug-in code for the diagram extension. 另外,生成器创建了一个名为“org.example.mysql.ui”的新项目,它包含了图表扩展的插件代码。
You can get the source code for this package as part of the standard packages for your system or from ftp:// ftp. us. kernel. org/ pub/ linux/ utils/ util-linux/. 您可以得到这个包的源代码,可以是您的系统的标准包的一部分,也可以从得到。
The org chart app accesses an XML dump of employee information. 这个组织结构图应用程序访问了一个员工信息的XML转储。
Org. apache.* Represents a number of packages that provide fine control and functions for HTTP communications. 表示许多为HTTP通信提供精确控制和功能的包。
( To create a Debian package, please refer to UbuntuForums. org). 要创建一个Debian包,请参考。
Org:: ordermanagement contains elements concerned with order management. ordermanagement包含了与订单管理相关的元素。
The later approach naturally produces an output that matches an org chart. 后一种方法自然地产生与组织结构图(orgchart)相匹配的输出。
In the example from schema. org, a link to the movie's trailer was marked up. 在来自schema.org的例子中,标记了一个指向电影预告片的链接。
D-BUS is developed as part of freedesktop. org/. D-BUS作为的一部分进行开发。
Notice that all of the elements and attributes belong to the "http:// openuri. org/ easypo" namespace. 注意,所有的元素和属性都属于“”名称空间。
Open Document, the standard vocabulary behind OpenOffice. org, is an example of Zip packaging. 开放式文档(OpenDocument)就是Zip打包的一个例子,它是OpenOffice.org背后的标准词汇表。
One implementation ( in package org. apache. axiom. om. impl. dom) is dual-headed, supporting both AXIOM and DOM interfaces with the same implementation classes. 其中一种实现(在包中)是双重功能的,使用相同的实现类同时支持AXIOM和DOM接口。
Specify additional dependencies and other elements from the XML schema for pom. xml ( http:// maven. apache. org/ xsd/ maven-4.0.0. xsd) as required. 需要时,从pom.xml的XML模式(指定额外的依赖项和其他元素。
You can download either of these files from eclipse. org ( see Resources). 您可以从eclipse.org下载其中任何一个文件(见参考资料)。
First, the driver attribute MUST equal "org. apache. derby. jdbc. EmbeddedDriver". 首先,驱动程序属性必须等于“org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver”。
On ChangingThePresent. org, we cache the front page and several other pages using fragment caching. 在ChangingThePresent.org上,我们使用分段缓存来缓存首页和其他的几页。
I found it at alpha. gnu. org, in/ pub/ sed. 我在alpha.gnu.org的/pub/sed中找到了它。
The group also toured China. org. cn's multilingual newsroom and multimedia studio. 随后,新闻官员们参观了中国网多媒体演播室。
You can even add pictures to the org chart shapes. 甚至可以将图片添加到组织结构图形状中。
The World Economic Forum has created an ambitious Web site, weforum. org/ tgt, to display the findings, including a visualization tool useful for exploring the data. 世界经济论坛已经创造了一个雄心勃勃的网站&来展示一些调查结果,包括一个对探索数据有用的可视化工具。
He leads the AJDT project at Eclipse. org, which develops an integrated development environment to enable developers to get the maximum benefit from AOP. 他领导了Eclipse.org的AJDT项目,该项目开发了一个集成开发环境以使开发者能从AOP中获得最大利益。
To build it, you must have Apache ANT1.6+ ( http:// ant. apache. org/) installed. 为了建立它,你必须安装ApacheANT1.6版本以上(。
Werner Heuser ( tuxmobil. org) encouraged me to publish them with the Linux Documentation Project. WernerHeuser(也鼓励让我把解决问题的方法发表到Linux文档项目中去。
Peteris& James ( StackVM): The node package manager, npm ( http:// npmjs. org/) is a great way to use and discover libraries written by other developers. Peteris和James(StackVM):借助Node包管理器npm(去使用、发现其他开发人员编写的库是一种非常好的方式。
For example, I can add employee office numbers to the org chart. 例如,可以将员工办公室号添加到组织结构图中。