The doctors rub the cotton swab on the opening of a woman's uterus. Once the liquid touches the organ, any pre-cancerous or cancerous cells will turn white. 医生用棉签摩擦妇女的子宫口,一旦白醋接触该器官,任何癌前或癌变细胞都会变成白色。
Haunting memories; the cathedral organ and the distant voices have a haunting beauty-Claudia Cassidy. 常常浮现在脑海里的记忆;教堂里的风琴和那辽远的声音有种难忘的魅力&克劳迪亚·凯西迪。
The brain is an electrochemical organ-using electromagnetic energy to function. 大脑是一电气化学器官-使用电磁能运行。
The Effect of Curcumin on the Immune Organ's Weight and Expression of TNF-α IL-1 β in Blood Serum of Adjuvant Arthritis Rats 姜黄素对佐剂性关节炎大鼠血清TNF-αIL-1β和免疫器官重量的影响
Supply what is needed-Determine the contents of supply according to the organ demand-quality. 观需施与依据器官需求,决定供给什么质。
Methods: 104 ADRs due to the drug were retrieved from Chinese Pharmaceutical Abstract for statistics by sex, age of patients, the time of its occurrence, and organ-system injury. 方法:对1992年1月~2000年12月中国药学文摘登录期刊中的104例复方丹参注射液所致不良反应病例按性别、年龄、发生时间和器官系统损害进行分类统计和分析。
The Realization of Assembling Organ-based Virtual Plant by Component 利用组件技术实现基于器官装配的虚拟作物
The organ-ism tourism resources is the important part of the tourism resource system. It comprises two as-pacts, plant tourism resources, animal tourism resource. 生物旅游资源是旅游资源体系的重要组成部分,主要包括植物旅游资源和动物旅游资源两大类。
Abstract Marine biofouling of the common attachment organ-isms on 9 polymer materials has been studied. 研究了常见海洋附着生物对9种聚合物材料的污损。
Design principle of organ-pipe cavitating jet nozzles 风琴管自振空化喷嘴的设计原理
Objective: To observe the effect of treating condyloma acuminatum of female genital organ by laser therapy and IL-2. Method: 98 patients with condyloma acuminatum of female genital orgen were randomly divided into two groups. 目的:探讨白介素-2与激光联合治疗女性生殖器尖锐湿疣的疗效。方法:将98例女性生殖器尖锐湿疣患者随机分两组。
The main death causes are DIC, multiple organ dys-function failure and intestinal perforation. 主要死亡原因为DIC、多脏器功能衰竭、肠穿孔。
The objectives of this study were to characterize the floral organ development of the flowers with single-and triple-whorled petals in lisianthus ( Eustoma grandiflorum). 本篇论文主要研究了草原龙胆单重瓣花器官的发育特征。
Investigation of the Gunners 'Hearing Organ Damage in Lao-Shan Area: Symptoms and Audiometry 老山战区参战炮兵听器损伤的症状和纯音测听
The organ which is the most sensitive to γ-rays was leaf, second was unbudding lateral bud, the third was growing shoot tip. 对照射最敏感的器官是叶片,其次是未萌发的侧芽,第三是正在生长的顶芽。
Human organ is a semi-object in its essence. 在性质上,人体器官是一种准物。
A kind of novel organ of Cutting and long-control in the auto-align cutting machine tool for steel-wire 一种钢丝自动校直切断机切断与长度控制机构
Floral organ development is controlled by organ identity genes, including A-, B-, C-function genes of ABC model and SEP genes. Moreover ovules development is determined by D genes. 植物花器官的发育是由器官特异性基因决定的,这些基因包括ABC模型的A、B、C功能基因,同时还有决定胚珠发育的D功能基因和E功能基因。
The effective treat-ment methods for burst injury of lung in extensive burn include preventing and treating multiple organ dys-function syndrome, taking mechanical ventilation, improving microcirculation, controlling infections and protect important organ function. 治疗上重点防治多器官功能障碍的发生,采取机械通气、控制感染、改善微循环、保护重要脏器功能等措施都是有效的治疗方法。
Organ-and treatment-specific local response rates to systemic and local treatment modalities in stage IV melanoma Ⅳ期黑色素瘤全身和局部治疗方案的器官特异性和治疗特异性局部反应率
Clinicopathologic features of skin cancer in organ transplant recipients: A retrospective case-control series 器官移植受者皮肤癌的临床病理特征:一项回顾性病例对照研究
The organ-design model and operation process of centralized-accounting system in villages and towns institutions 农村乡镇会计集中核算的机构模式与业务流程
A Preliminary Study of Women's Studies Organ-izations in Contemporary China 当代中国妇女研究组织初探
This paper describes a kind of novel design for the cutting organ and long-control organ which are applied in the auto-align cutting machine tool for steel-wire. 阐述一种用于钢丝自动校直切断机床上的切断机构和长度控制机构的创新设计。
Skin cancer in organ transplant recipients: Effect of pretransplant end-organ disease 移植前终末器官疾病对移植受者发生皮肤肿瘤的影响
Synthesis and Characteristics of Organ Silicon-Acrylate Copolymer Nano latex es 硅-丙共聚物微胶乳的合成及性能表征
Abnormality in Male Organ Development and Fertility of Photoperiod-sensitive Genic Male Sterile Rice Plants Under Short Day Condition 光敏核不育水稻短日照植株的雄性器官和育性异常
Infection and multiple system organ failure in children-with 12 cases clinical and pathological analysis 小儿感染与多系统器官功能衰竭&附12例临床及病理分析
Objective: To study the roles of glucose metabolism disorder and treatment with GIK on organ dys-function in patients after trauma. 目的:探讨糖代谢障碍与极化液治疗对创伤后器官损害及预后的影响,为极化液辅助改善创伤后器官损伤提供依据。
The process of bulblet morphogenesis is divided to 3 stages: prepare stage, cell-booming-fission-stage and organ-formation-stage. The bulblets originated from the inner parenchyma tissue of scale not callus tissue. 新铁炮百合鳞片扦插籽球的形态发生不经过愈伤组织形成阶段,属于直接的器官发生,其发生过程可分为启动期、细胞旺盛分裂期、器官分化期三个阶段。