Relating to or tending toward organicism. 关于或趋向于有机体的。
On the Ideas of N.Wiener's Organicism 论N.维纳的机体论思想
After research, however, this thesis points out that during the history of the development of the theory of American property law, atomism and organicism, individualism and republicanism, individual advantage and social benefit could coexist in each era. 但文章通过论证表明:在美国财产法理念的发展史上,原子论与有机论、个人自由主义与共和主义、个人利益与社会利益在每个时期都是共存的。
Precisely speaking, this paradigm mainly embodies the balance of organicism and atomism. 确切地说,这一思想模式更多地表现为有机论与原子论的综合平衡。
It has always resembled a pair of dancers, atomism and organicism, engaged in an uncomfortable philosophical dance. 它总是像一对舞者,原子论和有机论,在并不舒服的哲学舞蹈中起舞。
One partner, organicism, led for centuries until atomism, reflecting a more refined scientific knowledge about the way the world worked, emerged to take the lead in the seventeenth-century paradigm shift. 一部分是有机论,主导了几个世纪;直到个体主义,反映了有关世界运行方式更为精确的科学知识的时候,原子论才在17世纪的思想模式的变革中占据了领导地位。
In ancientry and in the Middle Ages, the early property law which embodied the paradigm dominated by organicism stressed the social obligation and responsibility of private property and aimed at sociableness. 在古代和中世纪,以有机论为主导的思想模式,体现在早期财产法上,则是以其社会性为目的,强调私有财产的社会义务和社会责任。
Today, we are in the midst of another paradigm shift in which, based on even more sophisticated knowledge, the lead is passing to holism, a less comprehensive version of organicism. 而今天,我们正处于又一次思想模式变革的中间,这次变革建立在更为复杂的知识的基础上,即主导地位正在转向整体论,这是一种不那么绝对的有机论。
So, the main influence of paradigm dominated by organicism on the early property law consisted in that people in the Middle Ages generally held that private property should be restricted by social obligations. 所以,有机论主导思想模式对早期财产法主要影响在于:中世纪人们普遍认为私有财产权受到社会义务的制约。