Subcritical water extraction was first used for the determination of organo-phosphate and carbamate pesticides in samples of fruits and vegetables. 首次采用亚临界水萃取技术进行样品预处理,大大提高了农药残留的提取率。
A Review of Domestic Status Quo on Organo-fluoro Industry 我国有机氟工业现状综述
Differential Thermal Analyses of Organo-Mineral Complexes Affected by Mushroom in Alpine Meadow 高寒草甸蘑菇圈土壤有机&无机复合体差热分析研究
Studies on the New Organo-Zirconium Reagent ,new(?)新型有机锆试剂的研究
Preparation of some organo-uranium compounds 几种有机铀化合物的制备
Discussion on Adjustment of High-toxic Organo-phosphorous Insecticides in China 关于我国高毒有机磷杀虫剂品种取代问题探讨
Adsorption behavior of organo-Zeolite for BTEX and chromate in water 有机沸石对水中BTEX及铬酸根离子的吸附
Study on the Influence of Axial Organo-ligands on the Biomimetic Catalytic Character of a Schiff Base Complex 轴向有机配体对Schiff碱配合物模拟酶催化性能的影响
Composition and Humus Characteristics in Organo-Mineral Complex of Soil 土壤胶散复合体组成及其腐殖物质特征的研究
Study on Suppression of Flame and Temperature of Aerosol Generating Agent by Potassium Organo-carboxylate 有机酸钾盐对气溶胶发生剂的消焰降温作用研究
The influences of silicon on organo silicon-modified acrylate emulsion were also discussed. 论述了硅对有机硅改性丙烯酸酯乳液的影响。
This paper summarizes some common organize reagent and described the principle and preparation of organo-bentonite, and introduces the application of organo-bentonite in nano-composite materials in recent years. 综述了一些常见的改性剂以及有机膨润土的合成原理和方法,并详细地介绍了近年来它在纳米复合材料制备中应用的研究进展。
Synthesis of polyphenyl-triphenylene organo-silicone compounds and studies on the heat stability of their polymers 多苯基三联苯有机硅化合物的合成及其对聚合物耐热性影响的研究
Effects of Organo-Phosphine Herbicide Glyphosate on Cyto-Genetical Toxicity in Grasses 有机磷除草剂草甘磷(GPS)对作物细胞遗传学毒性效应的研究
Development and prospect of homogeneous catalysis of organo-transition metallic complex 有机过渡金属配合物均相催化发展及展望
Study on organo-molybdenum compound as EP additive 有机钼化合物作润滑油极压剂的研究
The effect of organic matter in organo-inorganic fertilizer 有机肥在有机无机复混肥中的效果
Advance of organo-silicon release agent 有机硅隔离剂的进展
Degradation of Organo-phosphorus Pesticides in Soil Environment 有机磷农药在土壤环境中的降解转化
Comparison of Organo-Clay Complex in Three Sedimentary Environments 三种沉积环境中有机粘土复合体特征比较
Decoloration Treatment in Determination of Chlorine Ion Content in Organo-Mineral Compound Fertilizers 有机-无机复混肥中氯离子含量测定时的脱色处理
Preparation and evaluation of organo-antimony compounds as lubricant additives 有机锑润滑油添加剂的制备与性能评定
Effects of Organo-silicon on Polyurethane 有机硅对聚氨酯性能的影响
EP/ Mt nanocomposite was prepared using diphenol A epoxy resin ( EP) as the matrix and organo-amine treated montmorillonite ( Mt) as the reinforcing agent. 以双酚A型环氧(EP)树脂为基体,有机胺处理蒙脱土(Mt)为增强剂,制备了EP树脂/Mt纳米复合材料。
The development of organo-copper standard substance 有机铜标准物质的研制
Study and Development of Organo-Germanium and Germanium-rich Food 有机锗及富锗食品的研究与开发
Treatment of organo fluorine-containing wastewater by biological technology 含氟有机废水的生物技术处理
Protection effect of selenium and organo-germanium-132 on ethanol injury in rats 硒和有机锗-132对乙醇损伤机体的保护作用
Spectrometry for determination of organo-Selenium in Selenium-enriched yeast 分光光度法测定富硒酵母中有机硒的含量