Studies on Organochloride Pesticides ( OCPs) residues of soils and sediments in the Tongzhou irrigation area of Beijing 北京通州灌区土壤和河流底泥中有机氯农药残留的研究
Determination of Residue of Organochloride Pesticides in Barbary Wolfberry Fruit by Capillary Gas Chromatography 毛细管气相色谱法分析枸杞子及其制剂中有机氯农药残留
Investigation on Organochloride Pesticides Residues in Soils in Zunyi Area of Guizhou 贵州遵义地区土壤中有机氯农药残留调查
Study on Residues of Organochloride Pesticides in Soils around Taihu Lake 太湖周边土壤中8种有机氯杀虫剂残留状况研究
Residues of 16 organochloride pesticides in fruits and vegetables have been determined by GC-ECD with HP-101 crosslinked capillary column. 采用柱层析净化方式,以HP-101弹性石英毛细管柱为分离柱,电子捕获检测的气相色谱法测定水果、蔬菜中16种有机氯农药残留量。
Prevention and Treatment of Toxic Organochloride Compounds in Bleaching Wastewater 纸浆漂白废水中毒性有机氯化物的防治
The analysis of organochloride pesticides residues in Teas 茶叶中有机氯农药残留量分析
Consumption of POPs Pesticides and Its Cost Forecasting in China Studies on Residues of Organochloride Pesticides POPs in the Soils in Beijing Area 我国持久性有机污染物卫生杀虫剂使用量与费用预测北京地区土壤中有机氯农药类POPs残留状况研究
The relationship between organochloride pollution and the incidence of colorectal cancer need further evidence, but no ecological study based on the total population existed by this time. 有关有机氯污染与结直肠发病关系的确定尚需进一步获得证据,未见有全人群基础上的生态学研究的报道。
Studies have showed that, discharging of a large quantity of endocrine disturbance chemicals ( EDCs) and their persistent existence have caused serious reproductive harm to both animals and human. Organochloride pesticides are a typical kind of EDCs. 研究表明,环境内分泌干扰物(endocrinedisturbancechemicals,EDCs)的大量排放和持久存在已对动物及人类的生殖健康造成严重危害[1],有机氯农药是典型的EDCs。