n. 拟黄鹂(产于北美洲,雄鸟毛色黑与橘黄间隔,雌鸟黄绿色); 黄鹂(产于欧洲,雄鸟毛色鲜黄,双翼黑色) oriole的复数
A pair of orioles sing amid the willows green. 两个黄鹂鸣翠柳。(杜甫《绝句》)
The Orioles are warbling. 莺声呖呖。
That is not nightingale, but a golden orioles actually. 我说那不夜莺,而是一只芙蓉鸟。
Extracting of the Flavonoids and Polysaccharide from Tamarix Hispida Willd. and Study on Free Radicals Scavenging by Flavonoids "Two golden orioles sing in the green willows, A row of white egrets against the Blue sky." 准噶尔盆地刚毛柽柳黄酮和多糖的提取与黄酮抗氧化研究两只黄鹂鸣翠柳,一行白鹭上青天
Even the most optimistic Orioles fan could hardly make a case that Baltimore, no matter what it does this offseason, can challenge the Yankees for a division title anytime soon. 就算再乐观的金莺球迷对这比赛也没办法有期待,无论金莺如何努力,丝毫无法撼动分区冠军。
A genus of tropical American orioles. 热带美洲金莺鸟的一个属。
Look at the goddamn orioles! 瞧这该死的奥饶尔地!
Two yellow orioles are singing atop the green willows,/ A flight of white egrets are flying up toward the sky. Countless white egrets make home at the seaside. 两个黄鹂鸣翠柳,一行白鹭上青天。数不胜数的白鹭,在海边筑巢安家。
Before that, he made 288 starts for the Baltimore Orioles. 在成为洋基队员之前,他在金莺队共先发288场。
Furthermore, as orioles love to perch on their hanging branches, they are associated in pictures or in life with the presence of orioles, or with cicadas which also love to rest there. 不但如此,金莺喜欢栖息在柳枝上,因此无论在现实生活上或绘画上,柳树和金莺常常是在一起的。
"Two golden orioles sing in the green willows, A row of white egrets against the Blue sky." 夜间或黄昏时活动的白鹭。两只黄鹂鸣翠柳,一行白鹭上青天
Witness the abominable display last September of Baltimore Orioles second baseman Roberto Alomar, who spat in the face of umpire John Hirschbeck before millions of fans. 人们不妨看看去年巴尔的摩“黄鹂”棒球的第二守垒员罗伯多·阿洛马的恶心表现,他居然在几百万球迷面前,朝裁判约翰·赫什伯克的脸上吐口水。
European woodland warbler with dull yellow plumage. Meanwhile, orioles and other birds sing merrily. 有暗黄色羽毛的欧洲森林地区的莺。与之同时,黄莺和各种小鸟欢乐鸣唱。
Atop Longevity Hill, overlooking Kunming Lake, is the Listening to the Orioles Pavilion Restaurant. 在万寿山顶上,俯瞰昆明湖,是听鹂馆。
If I may correct you, that is not a nightingale, but a golden orioles actually. 如果可以纠正您的话,我说那不是夜莺,而是一只黄鹂鸟。
A pair of orioles alighted on the frisking branch of a weeping willow. 一对黄鹂飞落在拂动着的柳树枝条上。
Coming off their final road trip of the regular season, the Bombers return to the Bronx to open a three-game set against the Orioles. 在结束他们例行赛最后一次客场之旅后,洋基回到布朗士和金莺举行三连战。
Orioles love parterres and people their countries. 莺爱花圃,人爱祖国。
Have orioles and nightingales and skylarks ceased to sing? 金莺、夜莺和云雀不再唱歌了吗?
Defining moment: The Yankees headed to Boston in mid-August on the heels of a lopsided loss at home to the Orioles. 决胜点:洋基八月中主场一面倒输给金莺队后,前往波士顿与红袜系列战。
Autumn wind rises; white clouds fly. Grass and trees wither; geese go south. A pair of orioles alighted on the frisking branch of a weeping willow. 秋风起兮白云飞,草木黄落兮雁南归。一对黄鹂飞落在拂动着的柳树枝条上。
Amid thick leaves to no avail the Orioles sing. 隔叶黄鹂空好音。