An orthodontist took a cast of the inside of Billy's mouth. 正畸医生从比利的口腔内部取了模型。
The orthodontist's office is right around the corner from his office, and he agreed that he'd schedule the appointments and take her. 牙齿校正医生的办公室就在他的办公室拐角,丈夫同意由他安排时间带她去。
A dentist was summoned to the make-up trailer to fix the star's chip, though on camera it will be guest orthodontist Kathy Najimy extricating Betty from her stuck braces. 所以剧组连忙召唤了一位牙医来补救这位女星的门牙豁口。尽管在镜头中我们看到是客串演员演的牙医帮助贝蒂解救她那卡住的牙套,但实际上的确出动了牙医。
Today it's relatively rare for someone to have perfectly straight teeth ( without having been to the orthodontist). 所以,现在已经很难看到哪个人天生就长着一副十分完美的整齐牙齿;
Please remember the orthodontist will be seeing you at three today? 请记住今天下午三点你要看齿列矫正医师?!
Wear ligating modules, headgear and other accessories as instructed by your orthodontist. hard rubber bead 4严格按正畸医生的要求戴用橡皮圈和牵引头帽等辅助装置。硬橡皮撑轮圈,硬质胶胎圈
An orthodontist in America makes about$ 2 00000 a year. 在美国,一位牙齿矫正医师的年收入大约是20万美元。
A student who wears braces on his teeth is obviously under the care of an orthodontist. 牙齿上套着钢丝的学生,很明显地正在接受牙齿矫正医生的治疗。
Discussion of the Training of an Orthodontist The Exploration of Orthodontic Clinical Compliance 口腔正畸专科医师培训刍议口腔正畸临床依从性的探讨
This article discusses the present situation of orthodontist training at home and abroad and the necessity of establishing the system, and offers some advice for the mode of specialist training in orthodontics. 本文介绍并探讨了国内外口腔正畸专科的现状和建立该科的必要性,同时为专科医师培训模式等问题提出了建议。
Effect of orthodontist behaviors on patient satisfaction and orthodontist-patient relationship 正畸医生行为与患者满意度和医患关系的影响
Therefore, it is beneficial to build a database of normal occlusion in Fujian province to help orthodontist with diagnosis and treatment. 因此有必要建立本省正常牙合数据,以利于本省人群的诊断与治疗。
In orthodontic practice, it is very usual that an orthodontist would face some female patients, who are conceiving children or want to do that during the treatment period. There also are some pregnant women who intend to seek orthodontic treatment. 临床上常有在正畸治疗期间怀孕或想怀孕的患者,亦有已怀孕的女性想寻求正畸治疗的情况。