We showed that in noncommutative case, orthonormal base vectors can be chosen to be unitary operators of any fix order. 我们证明了,在非交换条件下,能够选择标准正交基向量成为任何固定序的酉算子。
The aim of our work is to strengthen localized features in basis images and to impose orthonormal characteristic of Principle Component Analysis ( PCA) on NMF. 我们的目标是强化基底的局部特徵,以及将主轴分析演算法的正交特徵加在非负矩阵分解演算法上。
The gauge condition selects a special orthonormal frame ( SOF). 这个规范条件选择了一个特定的标架。
This gauge condition is related to the solution of the Dirac equation; by solving the Dirac equation we can determine a special orthonormal frame. 另外,这种特定的标架和狄拉克方程试息息相关,透过解狄拉克方程,我们就可以选出特定的标架满足规范条件。
Then that multiresolution must have an orthonormal scaling function. 那么该多尺度分析必须有正交尺度函数。
We present in this paper an exact method of determining the orthonormal radiation modes of multilayer planar dielectric waveguides. 用微波网络方法分析了多种介质波导的色散特性,给出了这些波导的有效介电常数。
Orthonormal basis in L2, Legendre polynomials, basis of trigonometric functions. 正交基在L2,勒让德多项式,三角函数的基础。
Generalized FIR model identification method based on orthonormal basis functions 基于正交基函数的广义FIR模型辨识方法
Representing rational cubic circular arc by normalized totally positive or generalized Ball methods Improvement on Construction of Orthonormal Basis in Some Subspace of Euclidean Space 有理三次圆弧的标准正交基与广义Ball基表示欧氏空间子空间的标准正交基求法改进
Construction of finite-length filter for orthonormal wavelet basis 有限长标准正交小波基滤波器的构造
Orthonormal Random Beamforming with Multiple Beam Matrices 多波束矩阵下的正交随机波束成型方法
An Analysis of the Finite Word Length Effects on Orthonormal Discrete Wavelet Transform 正交离散子波变换有限字长效应分析
A new method for construction of multiwavelet filter coefficients matrix using orthonormal expansion technique was proposed. 根据正交多小波的特点,提出了一种利用正交扩充来构造多小波滤波器系数矩阵的方法。
Finally, the authors can derive the decomposition and reconstruction formulas which are similar to those of orthonormal wavelets. 最后还给出类似于小波的小波紧框架的分解与重构算法。
Elastic deformation of the barrel is calculated by means of the preceding N orthonormal modals of the cantilever beam. 模型中将炮管处理为运动支撑上的悬臂梁,取其前N阶正则模态计算炮管各断面中心的变形和转角。
An analysis of convective boundary layer eddy structure in water tank by orthonormal wavelet 对流槽湍流涡旋结构特征的小波分析
A novel method for the design of log-domain filters is presented which is based on the operational simulation of orthonormal ladder network. 提出了一种基于规范正交梯形网络信号流图模拟的对数域滤波器设计方法。
And an orthonormal basis of the kernel feature space is constructed. 同时构造该核特征空间的一组正交基。
Since Einstein's gravity theory is a frame independent theory, we have the freedom of choosing an orthonormal frame. 爱因斯坦的广义相对论是一个与座标选取无关的理论,所以我们有选取座标系的自由度。
The results show that the error in wavelet reconstruction with redundant frames is less than that with orthonormal basis. 这些结果表明用冗余框架进行小波重构要比用正规正交基进行小波重构的误差小。
Constructing orthonormal wavelet bases from splines is a method used often. 通过样条函数构造小波正交基是常用的方法。
Aiming at the security and credibility requirement of power protection equipment, power spectrum estimate algorithm which based on multiple orthonormal tapers is researched and modified in this paper. 针对电力保护设备的安全性和可信赖性指标要求,研究了基于多正交窗分析的功率谱估计算法,并从计算量的角度出发对算法进行了改进。
Non-convex Polygon that Admits no Orthonormal Basis of Exponentials in R~ 2 R~2中不存在指数正交基的非凸多边形
In this paper, we particularly explain the basic principle of orthonormal wavelet Transform by multiresolution and wavelet decompose and give a realization algorithm. 本文详细介绍了通过多分辨分析和小波分解实现正交小波变换的基本原理,并给出了实现算法。
Like Fourier analysis, any function with finite energy can be expanded on the orthonormal wavelet bases. 与Fourier分析方法一样,任意的能量有限函数可以用小波正交基展开。
A method of fabric defect detection based on double-deck orthonormal wavelets has been developed in this paper. 本文提出了基于二层自适应正交小波的织物疵点检测方法。
Applying orthonormal wavelet networks to the population forecasting of our country. 基于正交小波网络的我国人口预测模型;
In the second chapter, we investigate properties of solution for Procrustes problem with orthonormal constraints. 第二章主要研究了正交约束下的Procrustes问题的解的性质。
Many thresholding rules based on the orthonormal wavelets have been proposed. 已经提出了许多基于正交小波的阈值规则。