Thoracic CT's diagnosis of spontaneous pneumothorax with orthophoria thoracic X-ray negative 胸片阴性自发性气胸的胸部CT诊断
The range of suprapalpebral fold to palpebraledge and the position of eyelid skin edge when orthophoria were measured in vivo. 活体测量上睑皱襞距睑缘的距离、平视时上睑缘和上睑皮缘的位置。
Objective To study the expression characteristics of cytokeratin 19 ( CK19) in different live tissues from victims with third-degree burns to explore the possible mechanisms of tissue reparation and regeneration in orthophoria. 目的通过对Ⅲ度烧伤创面原位再生修复过程中不同活组织角蛋白19(K19)表达特征的研究,探索Ⅲ度烧伤创面原位再生修复的可能机制。