Objective To investigate the effect of long leg orthosis on lower limb function rehabilitation of hemiplegics. 目的探讨穿戴长下肢矫形器对重度偏瘫患者下肢功能康复的特点。
The effects of alternative gait orthosis on activity of daily living and quality of life in patients with spinal cord injury 重心移动式截瘫步行矫形器对脊髓损伤患者日常生活活动能力及生存质量的影响
Application of Digital Extensor Elbow Orthosis Treatment of Post-Stroke Upper Limb Spasticity in Clinical Research 应用伸肘位矫形器治疗脑卒中后上肢痉挛状态的临床研究
Ankle-foot orthosis improves gait function of children with cerebral palsy 踝足矫形器对脑性瘫痪患儿步态功能的改善作用
This orthosis could be applied for patients after the operation of antebrachium, wrist and manus to promote the recovery of their functions. 该矫形器可用于前臂、腕、手损伤术后,能较好地促进该部位功能的恢复。
Dynamics modeling and motion control for lower limb exoskeleton orthosis 下肢外骨骼矫形器的动力学建模与运动控制研究
Correcting 23 cases of congenital inverted nipples with self-made orthosis 自制矫正器治疗先天性乳头内陷23例
The foot problem with toes touching ground first on walking may be possible to be corrected by orthosis. But this needs a professional assessment to decide it. 走路时脚尖先着地的问题,可以通过矫形器来矫正,但是需要经过专业评估后再决定是否需要。
Design and Experiment on the Pneumatic Control System of Lower Limb Rehabilitation Exoskeleton Orthosis 下肢康复医疗外骨骼气动控制系统的设计和实验研究
Physiological Gait Planning and Testing for a Lower Limb Gait Orthosis 下肢步态矫形器的生理学步态规划与试验
Clinical Analysis on Treatment of Low Back Pain with Self-Developed Thoracolumbar Orthosis 自制动力性胸腰椎支具治疗腰背痛的临床疗效分析
Application of reciprocating gait orthosis in the rehabilitation of patients with paraplegia 步行矫形器在截瘫患者康复中的应用
Effect of abducens orthosis combined with walker on developmental dysplasia of the hip 外展支具配合学步车治疗发育性髋关节脱位的疗效评价
Application of Orthosis for Patients with Large Femoral Bone Defect and Leg Length Discrepancy 股骨重度骨缺损、肢体短缩患者行走功能矫形器的应用研究
Based on the hip joint and knee joint angle data, the physiological gait planning for a lower limb gait orthosis, which was used for the gait rehabilitation, was made. 基于人体下肢关节角数据,对用于步行康复训练的下肢步态矫形器做出了人体生理学步态规划。
CAM of Foot Orthosis Based on PC and Motion Control Card 基于工控机和运动控制卡的足底矫形器CAM系统
The Effect of Ankle-foot Orthosis in Different Stages of Stroke Patients 不同时期应用足踝矫形器对脑卒中后异常步态的影响
Routine rehabilitation training, lower extremity orthosis, functional electrical stimulation ( FES) and the combined application of those are still the widely used approaches. 以及几种方法的结合,仍是目前广泛应用的康复手段。
Clinical treatment of tiptoes of children with spastic cerebral palsy using ankle-foot orthosis 痉挛型脑性瘫痪尖足患儿临床治疗及其踝足矫形器的应用
Objective: To observe the clinical effect of adjustable functional orthosis on the functional rehabilitation of the deformed hand after scared hand skin grafting. 目的:观察小儿手部瘢痕植皮术后使用可调式功能支具畸形对手功能康复的临床疗效。
Study on Multi-Modal Gait Stability Detecting and Analysing Technique during Stance Phase with Orthosis Assistive Devices 矫形辅具支撑相内多模步态稳定性检测及分析技术研究
Effect of Reciprocating Gait Orthosis on Walking Ability and Activities of Daily Living of Patients with C_6~ T_6 Spinal Cord Injury 往复式步行矫形器对改善脊髓损伤患者步行能力及日常生活活动能力的作用
Efficacy Analysis for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Treated with Milwaukee or Boston Orthosis Milwaukee和Boston支具治疗青少年特发性脊柱侧凸的疗效分析
Comparison of dynamic and solid ankle-foot orthosis configurations for cerebral palsy children with spastic diplegia 动态与静态踝足矫形器对痉挛型脑性瘫痪儿童的疗效比较
Experimental and Clinical Study of Sheng Mai Cheng Gu Capsule with Hip Abduction Orthosis for the Treatment of Necrosis of Children Femoral Head 生脉成骨胶囊配合髋外展支架治疗儿童股骨头坏死的实验与临床研究
Nursing experience for children idiopathic orthosis through brace therapy 热塑支具治疗儿童特发性脊柱侧凸的护理体会
This paper analyzes the characters of Numerical control process technique, and AC servo system, and the machining of Foot orthosis. 本文针对数控加工系统、交流伺服系统和足底矫形器的加工特点进行研究与分析。
The application of orthosis and self-help aids to hemiplegic upper extremity was summarized. 对中风后偏瘫上肢应用矫形器和自助具进行了综述。
Conclusion Function of knee joint contracture was improved using knee orthosis. 结论矫形器治疗能明显改善挛缩兔膝关节功能。
Objective To study the rehabilitation effect of the lower extremity orthosis on the sequelae of poliomyelitis. 目的探讨下肢矫形器对脊髓灰质炎后遗症的康复治疗作用。