When they were young boys, Orville and Wilbur Wright received an inexpensive toy from their father. 当奥威尔和威尔伯.怀特还是小男孩的时候,他们从父亲那里得到了一个便宜的玩具。
Then Orville Wright and his brother, Wilbur, made the first aeroplane. 然后奥维尔·赖特和他的兄弟,威尔伯,制造第一个飞机。
Orville and Wilbur Wright made an aeroplane. 奥维尔和威尔伯·赖特制造一架飞机。
Bart Jasen said his cat, Orville, was named after legendary aviator Orville Wright. 巴特·简森说,他的猫名为奥威尔,是为了纪念传奇航空家奥威尔·莱特(莱特兄弟之一)。
But in the aeroplane Orville made the first short flight and came down safely. 但是奥维尔就是乘坐这架飞机进行了第一次短距离飞行,并且安全地着陆了。
Orville is an expert in cattle rearing. 欧威尔是饲养家畜的专家。
In1903, Orville and Wilbur Wright ( 2) made the first successful powered airplane flight. 1903年,奥维尔·莱特和威尔伯·莱特成功地作了第一次飞机飞行。
Orville lay on the bottom wing of his plane and started the engine. 奥维尔卧在这架飞行器的底翼上然后发动引擎。
Orville was the pilot, and he stayed in the air for12 seconds. 奥维尔是驾驶员,他在空中停留了12秒。
TextC_2_e3 Wilbur and Orville didn't have any special training in science or engineering, but they enjoyed taking mechanical things apart to see how they worked. 威尔伯和奥维尔没有接受过任何科学或发动机操纵方面的专门培训,但他们喜欢把机械装置拆开研究其工作原理。
Orville and Wilbur Wright were aviation trail blazers. 奥维尔赖特和威尔伯赖特是航空领域的先驱。
Wilbur and Orville suddenly became world heroes. 威尔伯和奥维尔突然成为了世界的英雄。
It was not luck or accident but vision, quiet resolve, and the application of the scientific method that let Orville and Wilbur Wright lift up the human race. 奥维尔·赖特和威尔伯·赖特使人类实现飞跃,不是依靠运气或意外,而是靠着想象力、坚忍的毅力和科学方法。
Orville piloted the first flight, which lasted just 12 seconds. 欧尔维尔进行第一次飞行,不过只维持了12秒。
Wilbur and Orville Wright had4 wanted to fly. 威尔伯和奥维尔赖特有4要飞。
And on December 17, 1903, Orville became the first person in history to fly an airplane. 1903年12月17日,奥维尔成为历史上第一个驾机飞行的飞行员。
Orville flew it for 12 seconds and went 120 feet. 奥维尔驾着它飞行了12秒,航程120英尺。
In1903 Orville flew their first aeroplane at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. 奥维尔在1903年首次飞行的飞机在小鹰,北卡罗莱纳州。
In September of 1908, Orville went to Fort Myer, Virginia, where he successfully demonstrated the Type A Flyer to the U. S. Army. 1908年9月,奥维尔在美国弗吉尼亚州的迈尔堡成功地向美军演示了A型飞行器。
He saw a picture in a newspaper of Orville Wright and his airplane. 他在报纸上看到了一张奥维尔特和他的飞机在一起的照片。
The first plane was flown in1903 by the American Orville Wright. 第一架飞机是1903年由美国的奥维尔。
His younger brother, Orville, was born four years later in Dayton, Ohio on August 17, 1871. 4年后他的弟弟奥维尔于1871年8月17日出生于俄亥俄州的代顿。
Wilbur and Orville were both good students, especially in math, but they were best at fixing and making things. 威尔伯和奥维尔都是好学生,在数学方面尤为出色,但他们最擅长的还是修理和制造。
Were Orville and Wilbur Wright American or English? 奥维尔和威尔伯是美国人还是英国人?
Orville Wright won the toss and became the pilot of the first powered flight in history. 奥维尔·莱特猜赢了,并成为历史上第一位驾驶有动力装置飞机的飞行员。
At the beginning of this century, two poorly educated young men named Wilbur and Orville Wright made a lot of experiments. 本世纪初,两个没有受过高深教育的年轻人威尔伯。莱特和奥维尔。
Not a single person on the Wright brothers'team had a college education, not even Orville or Wilbur. 团队里没有一人受过大学教育,就连两兄弟一样也没有上过大学。
They wonder at the changes in the world since Wilbur and Orville Wright began the modern age of flight. 心中充满了对赖特兄弟开创现代飞行时代以来世界发生的变化而产生的遐想。
Soon, Orville and Wilbur were publishing a weekly newspaper. 很快,奥维尔和威尔伯开始出版周报。
For example, Orville and Wilbur Wright did not discover the theory of flight they just used and tweaked others'ideas until they succeeded. 例如威尔伯和奥维尔赖特没有发现理论和飞行他们只用一致别人的想法,直到他们成功了。