Oscillographic chronopotentiometric determination is a kind of direct or indirect determination method for microanalysis or trace analysis based on the incision depth or peak height on oscillogram. 示波测定就是利用示波图上切口深度或峰高进行微量乃至于痕量物质直接或间接测定的方法。
Based on Virtual Equipment for the Multi-functional Digital Oscillographic 基于虚拟仪器多功能数字示波仪设计
The article discusses the Research and Development on Oscillographic Titration. 本文综述了示波滴定的研究与进展。
A small oscillogram and a new method of oscillographic determination based on it were presented. 提出了小示波图的概念,建立了基于小示波图的示波计时电位法。
Development of Oscillographic Analysis in China ⅲ. Application of Oscillographic Titration in Pharmaceutical Analysis 示波分析在中国的发展Ⅲ.示波滴定在药物分析中的应用
Oscillographic titration has become a new field of oscillographic analysis. 示波滴定已经成为滴定分析的一个新领域;
The digital system of oscillographic analysis 示波分析数字化测试系统
The use of silver disk electrode for oscillographic chronopotentiometry is described. 首次将银盘电极用于示波计时电位法直接进行示波测定,讨论了银盘电极上的示波计时电位法。
The Study of Oscillographic Precipitation Titration 示波沉淀滴定研究
Pharmaceutical analysis by derivative Oscillographic Potentiometric Titration 微分示波电位滴定法在药物分析中的应用
Oscillographic Potentiometric Titration on Membrane Electrode by Parallel Connection Capacity Method and Controlled Current Method 膜电极上并联电容和控制电流示波电位滴定法
Based on this oscillographic character, a new method, second order differential simple oscillographic voltammetry for the determination of Vc in a troche and a drink containing Vc is established in this paper. 根据KIO3的这一示波特性,建立了用二次微分简易示波伏安法间接测定抗坏血酸的新方法,并将该法用于Vc片剂及酷儿饮料中Vc含量的测定。
In recent years, oscillographic analysis has obtained great progress on both the method principle and measure mode. 近年来,示波分析不管是从方法原理上还是从测定方式上,都取得了长足的发展。
Determination of Organic Content in Soil by Oscillographic Potentiometric Titration 测定土壤有机质含量的示波电位滴定法
This paper describes determination of COD in water by A. C oscillographic polarographic titration on two identical Pt electrodes. 本文报告了用双铂片电极交流示波极谱滴定法测定水中COD的方法。
Thus, the investigation of oscillographic determination in complex system and redox system is an important approach of improving the sensitivity of oscillographic determination and enlarging the application range of oscillographic analysis. 在上述研究中,配位体系和氧化还原体系中的示波测定方法研究是提高示波分析灵敏度、扩大示波分析应用范围的一条重要途径。
Compared with mercury film electrode, oscillographic chronopotentiometry at silver disk electrode has fine sensitivity and precision. 与用汞膜电极的示波计时电位法相比,银盘电极上的示波计时电位法具有图形稳定、灵敏度高、精密度好及测定的线性范围宽等优点。
A review on application of signal processing technique in oscillographic analysis from 1991 to 1999 is presented. 综述了从1991-1999年信号处理技术在示波分析中的应用情况。
APPLICATIONS OF A.C. OSCILLOGRAPHIC POLAROGRAPHY ⅰ. Determination of Pb in Pure Hydrochloric Acid ( Internal Standard Method) 交流示波极谱法在痕量分析中的应用Ⅰ.纯盐酸中痕量铅的测定(内标法)
The method proposed forms the base for the process analysis by oscillographic analysis. 该方法为示波过程分析奠定了一定的基础。
Oscillographic titration of protein content in milk powder 乳粉中蛋白质含量的示波滴定法
The oscillographic titration in non-aqueous media is studied and applied to the determination of benzatropin hydrobromide and moroxydine hydrochloride with satisfactory results. 本文研究了非水介质中的示波滴定法并用它测定了两种药物:氢溴酸苯甲托品和盐酸吗啉胍,取得了令人满意的结果。
Determination of Rubidium and Cesium by Oscillographic Titration 铷和铯含量的示波极谱滴定法测定
Determination of TMP in drugs by Oscillographic Potentiometric Titration 示波电位滴定法测定药物制剂中的TMP
Oscillographic titration of silver and copper in silver alloy was studied. 报道了用示波滴定法测定银合金中银、铜的含量。
NEUTRALIZATION TITRATION WITH METAL ELECTRODES ⅲ. Controlled current oscillographic potentiometric titration of very weak bases in concentrated salt solutions 金属电极上的中和滴定法&Ⅲ浓盐溶液中极弱碱的控制电流示波电位滴定
The thesis studied the new method for oscillographic titration of the determination of protein content in milk Powder. 研究了牛奶中蛋白质含量的示波滴定法。
Oscillographic titration is a new method for end point indication. 示波滴定是判断滴定终点的一种新方法。
Zero-current oscillographic potentiometric neutralization titration on two indicator electrodes was studied. 研究了在Hg(Ag)、Pt、Sb、W4种金属电极上的零电流示波双电位中和滴定法。
Oscillographic analysis is an electro analytical chemistry field founded by Pro. 示波分析是高鸿教授在我国创立的一个电分析化学研究领域。