Design of Ultra High Speed Data Acquisition System in Digital Oscillometer 数字示波表中超高速数据采集系统的设计
Normal Pregnancy The oscillometer can also tell the situation of the ignition coil waveform and the voltage value as well. 还能从示波器上直接反映出点火线圈的波形是否正常。
This paper is to introduce the application of Tektronix TDS7000 Digital Fluorescent Oscillometer in measuring and analyzing the power loss of switching supply. 本文介绍泰克公司TDS7000数字荧光示波器应用在开关电源功率损耗测量中进行的测量和分析任务。
An Expanded IBM PC Digital Oscillometer Card and the Programming for its Driving IBMPc数字示波器扩充插卡及其驱动程序设计