Put forward the method to calculate artery stiffness index based on oscillometric technique and flexibility theory of vascular wall. 研究动脉弹性指数计算方法。从示波法波形出发,依据动脉血管臂弹性理论,提出了一种简单无创的测量动脉弹性指数的方法。
Research and Realization of Calculating Artery Compliance Using Oscillometric Method 用示波法计算动脉顺应性的研究与实现
The traditional blood pressure measurement by oscillometric method is based on statistics theory, so individual error always takes place in measurements. 传统的波动法血压无创测量技术由于利用了统计学原理,因此必然造成测量的个体误差。
With the rapid development of eletronics and computer technology, no invasion blood pressure instrument based on Oscillometric method begin to come out. 随着电子与计算机技术的飞速发展,基于测振法的无创血压仪相继问世。
The Development of a Blood Pressure Monitor Based on Oscillometric Method 基于单片机的血压监护仪的研制
The design of software system of oscillometric blood pressure monitor 数字血压计的软件系统研制
From the results of simulation it can be seen that the oscillometric method can be used to monitor the time variation of blood pressure for a same person, but there will be measurement errors for different individuals. 从仿真结果可以看出,示波法可以被用来监测同一人体血压随时间的变化,但在对不同个体进行测量时会导致测量误差。
The main work in this paper are as follows: ① Research on the oscillometric technique and pulse-wave theory. 论文主要做了以下几个方面的研究:①研究示波法原理和脉搏波理论。
This paper describes the measuring principle and algorithm of atherogenic index with oscillometric model. 提出了采用示波法模型测量动脉硬化指数的原理与算法。
Development of a Portable ECG and Blood Pressure Monitor Based on Personal Digital Assistant ( PDA). The design of software system of oscillometric blood pressure monitor 一种基于掌上电脑的便携心电血压监护仪数字血压计的软件系统研制
This paper describes a type of blood pressure monitor we have developed using 8031 chip microprocessor based on oscillometric method and the designs of hardware and software. 描述一种用8031单片机实现的基于测振法的无创伤血压监护仪,给出硬件的原理图和软件的算法框图。
For noninvasive oscillometric blood pressure measuring technique, the pressure signal in a cuff is composed of the ramp signal due to deflation and the pulsating signal due to artery pulsating underneath. 在波动法血压无创测量技术中,袖带内的压力信号是由变化范围很大的由于放气造成的斜坡信号和袖带下由于动脉波动造成的较小的波动信号叠加而成。
The Design of Noninvasive Blood Pressure Instrument Based on Oscillometric Method 基于测振法的无创血压仪的研制
Evaluating the Accuracy of Oscillometric Blood Pressure Measurement Using Invasive Method 用有创血压验证示波法测量血压的准确性
R Wave Relative Oscillometric Blood Pressure Measurement R波相关振动法血压测量
With the analysis of various ways of noninvasive blood measure, oscillometric method was chose to measure the noninvasive blood pressure aimed at the requirement of the system. 本文在深入分析各种无创血压测量方法的基础上,针对系统的设计要求,采用了袖带式振荡法进行无创血压测量。
On the blood pressure monitoring side, all the current blood pressure monitoring methods are summarized and reviewed, the pulse-wave-based oscillometric method and its analysis method are illuminated in detail. ◆在血压检测方面,总结和回顾了目前通用的血压检测方法,特别阐述了以脉搏波技术为基础的振荡法及其分析方法。
Commonly used measurement techniques fall into two categories: oscillometric method as an indirect measurement is difficult to improve its accuracy; auscultatory method is expected to significantly improve the accuracy of automated blood pressure measurement, but the filtering and identification of Korotkoff sound is the main difficulty. 常用测量技术分为两类:示波法由于采用间接测量原理,其准确性难以提高;柯氏音法有望大幅度提高自动血压测量准确性,但是柯氏音的降噪和识别是难题。