Research of oSIP Protocal Stack and Embedded Application oSIP协议栈的研究与嵌入式应用
FROM THE TIME of his disappearance, two days before, Pierre had been living in the empty abode of his dead benefactor, Osip Bazdyev. 打从家里消失以来,皮埃尔已在过世的巴兹杰耶夫家的空宅院里住了两天了。
Finally, implemented call management of system with oSIP. 最后,利用oSIP协议栈对三警合一综合报警系统中呼叫事务进行实现。
The hardware designation plan of wireless IP phone terminal was firstly presented, and then the program architecture was also shown after analyzing SIP and oSIP stack. 首先给出了无线IP电话终端的硬件设计方案,在分析了SIP和oSIP协议栈之后,给出了IP电话终端的程序设计框架。
Application in User Agent Based on SIP with OSIP Library OSIP协议栈及其在SIP用户代理中的应用
Give a detailed description including the oSIP protocol stack and RTP implementation. 详细的说明了oSIP协议栈的实现和RTP传输的实现。
For the application development, the task design and program development are implemented by using the open eXosip/ oSIP protocol stack. 在应用程序开发上,采用了开源的eXosip/oSIP协议栈,实现了任务设计和程序开发。
OSIP is not a complete SIP protocol stack. So it expands the new defined SIP CLIENT and header fields, and completes the functions of all modules, which are designed according to the hierarchical structure of SIP protocol. oSIP协议栈并不是一个完整的SIP协议实现,因此,在源码中扩展了定义的SIPCLIENT和新头域,并采用SIP协议层次结构相似的模块设计,实现模块功能。
The protocol module is based on OSIP protocol stack. Transfer module uses UDP protocol to implement the transfer of message and multimedia data. 信令模块在开源协议栈OSIP的基础开发而来,传输模块采用无连接的UDP协议对数据进行传输。